Laboratory of 
Analytical Chemistry and Biopolymer Structure Analysis


Susanne Becker
Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Konstanz

78457 Konstanz


Room R 502
 +49 7531 88-3391
+49 7531 88-3097


Curriculum vitae


born in Leipzig, Germany.


1995 - 2001

Studies of chemistry and Diploma thesis at the University of Aachen, Germany.
Thesis: "Dauerhaftigkeitsuntersuchungen an Garnen zur Bewehrung von Beton".


2002 to date

PhD studies at the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Germany.
PhD thesis: "High performance proteomics using high resolution FTMS and high resolution element mass spectrometry".


Research area

The work is about identification and characterization of human brain proteins by using high resolution FTICR-MS. The main focus is on tau protein, one of the target proteins of AlzheimerŽs disease, and its modification (hyperphosphorylation) in the diseased state. The quantitative amount of phosphorus and metals (Fe, Cu and Zn) is determinded with elemental MS (ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS) and is compared with the identifications from FTICR-MS to characterize modifications on proteins.