Laboratory of 
Analytical Chemistry and Biopolymer Structure Analysis


Dr. Iuliana Şuşnea

Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Konstanz

78457 Konstanz


Room L 832
 +49 7531 88-2285
+49 7531 88-3097


Curriculum vitae

1997 - 2001

Studies of chemistry, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania.

B.Sc. thesis "Anticancerous drugs".


2001 - 2003

MSc studies in Chemistry, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania.

2002 - 2003

Erasmus Socrates scholarship for Master studies University of Konstanz, Germany.

09/ 2003

M.Sc. thesis: "Characterisation of synthetic b-amyloid epitope peptides through affinity proteomics methods".

2004 - 2010 PhD Dissertation, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Biopolymer Structure Analysis, University of Konstanz, Germany.

PhD thesis: "Analytical development, biochemical and biomedical applications of high resolution mass spectrometric proteome analysis". (summa cum laude)

04/ 2011 Postdoctoral Research in project "Neuroplasticity and immunology in cognitive decline in aging", WIN-Kolleg (Junior Academy for Young Scholars and Scientists of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities), University of Konstanz, Germany.  


1. Susnea, I.; Bernevic, B.; Svobodova, E.; Simeonova, D. D.; Wicke, M.; Werner, C.; Schink, B.; Przybylski, M. Mass spectrometric protein identification from two-dimensional gel separation with stain-free detection and visualization using native fluorescence. Int J Mass Spec. 2011, 301, 22-28.

2. Susnea, I.*; Bunk, S.*; Wendel, A.; Hermann, C.; Przybylski, M. Biomarker candidates of Chlamydophila pneumoniae proteins and protein fragments identified by affinity-proteomics using FTICR-MS and LC-MS/MS. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2011, 22 (4), 784-788. *: both authors contributed equally

3. Wu, B.; Susnea, I.; Chen, Y.; Przybylski, M.; Becker, J. S. Study of metal-containing proteins in the roots of Elsholtzia splendens using LA-ICP-MS and LC- tandem mass spectrometry. Int J Mass Spec. 2011, 307, 85-91.

4. Simeonova, D. D.*; Susnea, I.*; Moise, A.; Schink, B.; Przybylski, M. "Unknown genome" proteomics: a new NADP-dependent epimerase/dehydratase revealed by N-terminal sequencing, inverted PCR, and high resolution mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics 2009, 8, 122-131. *: both authors contributed equally

5. Bunk, S.*; Susnea, I.*; Rupp, J.; Summersgill, J. T.; Maass, M.; Stegmann, W.; Schrattenholz, A.; Wendel, A.; Przybylski, M.; Hermann, C. Immunoproteomic Identification and Serological Responses to Novel Chlamydia pneumoniae Antigens That Are Associated with Persistent C. pneumoniae Infections. J. Immunol. 2008, 180, 5490-5498. *: both authors contributed equally

6. Galetskiy, D.; Susnea, I.; Reiser, V.; Adamska, I.; Przybylski, M. Structure and dynamics of photosystem II light-harvesting complex revealed by high-resolution FTICR mass spectrometric proteome analysis. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2008, 19, 1004-1013.

7. Susnea, I.; Bernevic, B.; Wicke, M.; Ma, L.; Liu, S.; Schellander, K.; Przybylski, M. Application of MALDI-TOF- Mass Spectrometry to Proteome Analysis using Stain-free Gel Electrophoresis. Topics in Current Chemistry 2011, in press.

Conference oral presentations

1. Susnea, I.; Simeonova, D. D.; Moise, A.; Schink, B.; Przybylski, M. (2009, 26th - 28th of August) "Unknown-genome"-proteomics: A new NAD(P)- dependent pimerase/dehydratase revealed by N-terminal sequencing, inverted PCR and high resolution mass spectrometry. International Workshop "High performance mass spectrometry – new methods & applications in life science", Konstanz, Germany

2. Susnea, I.; Bunk, S.; Hermann, C.; Przybylski, M. (2009, 27th of September - 1st of October) Identification of Chlamydia pneumoniae antigens by immuno-proteomics using FTICR-MS and LC-tandem mass spectrometry. 1st World Conference on Physico-Chemical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development, Rovinj, Croatia

3. Susnea, I.; Bunk, S.; Hermann, C.; Przybylski, M. (2009, 13th – 15th of December) Immuno-proteomics identification of Chlamydophila pneumoniae antigens using high resolution mass spectrometry. Workshop "Bioaffinity - Mass Spectrometry in Life Science and Biomedical Analysis", Konstanz, Germany