Laboratory of 
Analytical Chemistry and Biopolymer Structure Analysis

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Current Grants





European Community, 5th Framework Research Programme (9/2001 - date) New Microfluidic - Mass Spectrometry Technologies for High Performance Proteomics (Collaboration of six European Laboratories)


Baden-Württemberg Science Ministery (2001 - date) Competence Centre Proteome Analysis: Proteomics by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Priority Programme (2001 - date) "Cellular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease" Structure, Supramolecular Association and Interaction of Pathoactive ßAPP and Presenilins


High Resolution Biopolymer Structure Analysis by Fouriertranform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (large instrument grant; 1999 - date)


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (University Collaboration Programme; 1997 - 2002) Structure and supramolecular association of neuronal cell surface proteins


NATO Science Programme (Collaboration NIEHS/ K. Tomer; University of Budapest/Hungary) (1999 - 2000) Mass spectrometric identification and chemical synthesis of HSV- and HIV-antigen recognition structure


German Federal Department of Research and Education, WTZ (1998-2000) Design and synthesis of antagonists of b-amyloid peptides for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease (collaboration with several European universities)


Baden-Württemberg-Hungary Science Collaboration (1997-2000) Isolation and Structure Elucidation of the Amyloid Precursor Protein Related to Alzheimer's Disease from Human Brain (collaboration with the University of Szeged, Hungary)


Please send questions or comments about this page to the webmaster Thomas Mack
Copyright © 2003 Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
Stand: 01. Februar 2005