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Selected Publications and Impact 1997-now

by Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Full Professor of Research Methods, Assessment, and iScience in the Department of Psychology at University of Konstanz; affiliated IKERBASQUE Research Professor and head of iScience group at University of Deusto in Bilbao, and affiliate at University of Colorado Boulder
(also see Academia.edu, Academic search, ACM-DL, Google Scholar, Interaction Design, ResearchGate, Springer, & DBLP or the Society for Computation in Psychology collection for copies of some publications and presentations). ORCID: 0000-0002-1566-4745, Web of Science ResearcherID: A-5177-2012

Journals. U.-D. Reips has published in the following journals: Advances in Information Systems and Technologies; Affective Science; Assessment; Behavior Research Methods; Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers; BMC Primary Care; Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra; Computers in Human Behavior; CyberPsychology and Behavior; Empirical Musicology Review; Environment & Behavior; Evolution and Human Behavior; Experimental Psychology; Field Methods; Human-Computer Interaction; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology; Infoamérica-ICR: Iberoamerican Communication Review; International Journal of Human-Computer Studies; International Journal of Internet Science; International Journal of Psychology; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; International Journal of Stroke; Investigación y Marketing; Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Journal of Information Science; Journal of Medical Internet Research;Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Open Psychology Data; Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology; Methodological Innovations; Nature Human Behaviour; Neuroepidemiology; PeerJ; Personality and Individual Differences; Personal Relationships; PLOS ONE; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS); Psychological Research; Psychological Topics; Psychologie in Österreich; Psychologische Rundschau; Psychoscope; Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie; Scientific Data; Social Influence; Social Science Computer Review; Studia Psychologica; Survey Practice; Survey Research Methods; Swiss Journal of Psychology; The Annals of Family Medicine; Wirtschaftspsychologie; Zeitschrift für Psychologie. He has edited or is editing five special journal issues and is founding editor of the free peer-reviewed open access journal International Journal of Internet Science.

Books. U.-D. Reips has published six books, most recently "The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology" (with A. Joinson, K. McKenna, and T. Postmes) and "Internet-basierte Messung sozialer Erwünschtheit [Internet-based measurement of social desirability]" (with E. Kaufmann).

Impact. View U.-D. Reips' Google Scholar Citation profile. View a MAP at Researcherid.com to view locations of citing researchers. U.-D. Reips' first author publications have been cited in: Accounting Research Journal * Accounting Review * ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction * Acta Psychologica * Addictive Behaviors * Aging & Mental Health * AI and Society (in 2 articles) * AIDS and Behavior (in 2 articles) *American Journal of Preventive Medicine (in 2 articles) * American Journal of Psychological Research * American Psychologist (in 2 articles) * Amme Idaresi Dergisi (TODAIE Review of Public Administration) * Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences * Annual Review of Psychology * Appetite * Applied Acoustics (in 2 articles) * Applied Animal Behaviour Science * Applied Clinical Informatics * Applied Cognitive Psychology (in 3 articles) * Applied Developmental Science * Applied Psychology: An International Review * Archive for the Psychology of Religion *Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (in 2 articles) * Archives of Sexual Behavior (in 2 articles) *Archives of Women's Mental Health * Attachment & Human Development * Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana * Basic and Applied Social Psychology (in 2 articles) * Behavioral and Brain Sciences * Behavioral Research in Accounting * Behavior Research Methods (in 36 articles) * Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers (in 18 articles) * Behavioral Sciences and the Law * Behavioural Processes * Behaviour & Information Technology * BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making * BMC Public Health * British Journal of Educational Technology (in 3 articles) * British Journal of Health Psychology * British Journal of Psychology (in 2 articles) * Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov * Canadian Journal of Counselling * Canadian Journal of Urology * Career Development International * Cartographic Journal * Chinese Journal of AIDS & STD * Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology * Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology * Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery * Clinical Psychologist * Clothing and Textiles Research Journal * Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews * Cognition (in 2 articles) * Cognition and Emotion * Cognition and Instruction (in 2 articles) * Cognition, Technology and Work * Cognitive Computation * Cognitive Neuropsychiatry * Cognitive Behaviour Therapy * Cognitive Science * Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine * Computers & Education * Computers in Human Behavior (in 19 articles) * Computer Speech and Language * Computers & Security * Computer Standards & Interfaces * Consciousness and Cognition (in 2 articles) * Contributions to Economics * Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation * Counseling Psychologist * Cuadernos de psicología del deporte * Current Directions in Psychological Science * Cyberpsychology & Behavior (in 6 articles) * Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace * Death Studies * Developmental Neurorehabilitation * Developmental Psychology * Developmental Science * Diagnostica (in 4 articles) * Drustvena Istrazivanja * Ecological Engineering * Educational Studies of Mathematics * Educational Technology Research and Development * Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization * Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods * Emotion * Empirical Musicology Review (in 3 articles) * Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico * Ethics & Behavior * European Commission: The Consumer, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) Report * European Journal of Cognitive Psychology * European Journal of Developmental Psychology * European Journal of Epidemiology * European Journal of Marketing * European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology * European Journal of Personality (in 5 articles) * European Journal of Psychological Assessment (in 2 articles) * European Management Journal * European Review of Social Psychology * Experimental Aging Research * Experimental Economics * Experimental Psychology (in 11 articles) * Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal * Family Relations * Field Methods * Foundations of Science * Frontiers in Psychology * GeoJournal * GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry * Group Processes Intergroup Relations * Habitat International * Health and Quality of Life Outcomes * Health Psychology * HP Laboratories Technical Report * Human Communication Research * Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental (in 2 articles) * IEEE ACL Spoken Language Technology * IEEE Intelligent Vehicles * IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data * IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing * IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation * IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (in 2 articles) * IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium * IEEE Transactions on Haptics * IEEE Transactions on Multimedia * IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication * IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (in 2 articles) * Information Processing & Management * Information Systems Frontiers * Information Systems Research * Inforsid * Intelligence * International Ayurvedic Medical Journal *International Journal of Advertising * International Journal of Aviation Psychology * International Journal of Behavioral Development * International Journal of Disclosure and Governance * International Journal of Human-Computer Studies * International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management * International Journal of Internet Science (in 2 articles) * International Journal of Management Practice * International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising * International Journal of Mobile Communications * International Journal of Nursing Studies * International Journal of Project Management * International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science * International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning * International Journal of Technoethics * International Journal of Testing * Internet Research * ISRN Addiction * JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association * Japanese Psychological Research * JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies * Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion * Journal of Academic Writing * Journal of Advanced Nursing (in 2 articles) * Journal of Affective Disorders * Journal of Anxiety Disorders * Journal of Applied Social Psychology (in 5 articles) * Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (in 2 articles) * Journal of Business Ethics (in 2 articles) * Journal of Central China Normal University * Journal of Chemical Education * Journal of Clinical Epidemiology * Journal of Clinical Nursing * Journal of Clinical Psychology * Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (in 2 articles) * Journal of Consciousness Studies * Journal of Construction Engineering and Management * Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology * Journal of Dentistry * Journal of East Asian Linguistics * Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (in 3 articles) * Journal of Economic Psychology * Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health * Journal of Environmental Management * Journal of Environmental Planning and Management * Journal of Environmental Psychology (in 3 articles) * Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (in 6 articles) * Journal of Experimental Psychology: General * Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition (in 3 articles) * Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (in 4 articles) * Journal of Family Issues * Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology * Journal of General Internal Medicine * Journal of Happiness Studies * Journal of Health Communication * Journal of Huazhong Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences) * Journal of Industrial Ecology * Journal of Information Policy * Journal of Information Science * Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics * Journal of Interactive Marketing * Journal of Intercultural Communication (in 2 articles) * Journal of Interpersonal Violence * Journal of Law and Society * Journal of Management Development * Journal of Marketing Management * Journal of Mathematical Behavior * Journal of Medical Internet Research (in 4 articles) * Journal of Personality Assessment * Journal of Personality Disorders * Journal of Place Management and Development * Journal of Preventive Medicine Information * Journal of Primary Prevention * Journal of Psychoactive Drugs * Journal of Psychopharmacology (in 2 articles) * Journal of Research in Personality (in 3 articles) * Journal of Research Practice * Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (in 2 articles) * Journal of Sex Research (in 3 articles) * Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (in 2 articles) * Journal of Social Psychology * Journal of Sport Behavior * Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (in 2 articles) * Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (in 3 articles) * Journal of Trauma and Dissociation (in 3 articles) * Journal of Traumatic Stress (in 2 articles) * Journal of Urban Health * Landscape and Urban Planning (in 4 articles) * Land Use Policy * Legal and Criminological Psychology * Learning & Behavior * Learning and Individual Differences (in 2 articles) * Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (in 4 articles) * Lecture Notes in Computer Science (in 4 articles) * Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems * Library & Information Science Research * Lingua (in 2 articles) * Linguistic Review * Management of eBusiness * Marriage and Family Review * Medicina clínica * Memory (in 2 articles) * Memory & Cognition (in 5 articles) * Mental Health, Religion & Culture * Metodolos?ki Zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics * Minnesota Law Review * Motivation and Emotion * Multimedia Systems * Musicae Scientiae (in 5 articles) * Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal * Natural Language & Linguistic Theory * Nature and Science * Neurobiology of Learning and Memory * Neurosciences * New Media & Society * New York University Law Review * Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice * Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (in 3 articles) * Omega -* Organizational Research Methods * Journal of Death and Dying * Patient Education and Counseling * Perceptual and Motor Skills (in 2 articles) * Personal and Ubiquitous Computing * Personality and Individual Differences (in 7 articles) * Personnel Psychology * Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery * PLoS ONE (in 3 articles) * Polar Research * Political Psychology * PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie * Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society * Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (in 2 articles) * Psicologia em Estudo * Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa * Psicologica * Psicothema (in 2 articles) * PS-Political Science & Politics * Psychiatric Quarterly * Psychiatry Research * PsychNology Journal * Psychological Record * Psychological Reports * Psychological Review (in 2 articles) * Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy * Psychologische Rundschau * Psychological Medicine * Psychological Science (in 2 articles) * Psychology * Psychology and Aging * Psychology & Health * Psychology of Addictive Behaviors * Psychology of Men and Masculinity * Psychology of Music * Psychology of Sport and Exercise (in 2 articles) * Psychology of Women Quarterly (in 3 articles) * Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (in 2 articles) * Psihologija * Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie * Psychotherapeut * Public Opinion Quarterly * Quality and Quantity (in 2 articles) * Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (in 5 articles) * RBGN - Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios * Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine * Regulation & Governance * Research in Developmental Disabilities * Research on Language and Computation * Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios * Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport * Revue internationale de psychologie sociale - International Review of Social Psychology (in 2 articles) * Scientometrics * Social Influence (in 2 articles) * Social Psychology (in 4 articles) * Social Science Computer Review (in 9 articles) * Social Science & Medicine (in 2 articles) * Sociological Methods & Research * Sociological Research Online * Sociological Science * Spine * Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress (in 3 articles) * Studia Psychologica * Suchttherapie (in 2 articles) * Survey Research Methods * Swiss Journal of Psychology (in 3 articles) * Systems Engineering (in 2 articles) * Teaching and Teacher Education * Tech Trends * The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse * The Clinical Journal of Pain * The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems * The European Journal of Health Economics * The Information Society * The International Journal of Human Resource Management * The Journal of Positive Psychology (in 2 articles) * The Open Addiction Journal * The Open Psychology Journal * The Polar Journal * The Psychologist (in 2 articles) * The Spanish Journal of Psychology * Thinking & Reasoning (in 2 articles) * Topics in Cognitive Science (in 2 articles) * Tourism Management * Transactions in GIS * Traumatology (in 2 articles) * Value in Health * Verhaltenstherapie (in 2 articles) * Violence against Women (in 2 articles) * Violence and Victims * West China Medical Journal * Wirtschaftspsychologie * ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education * Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (in 4 articles) * Zeitschrift für Evaluation * Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie (in 3 articles) * Zeitschrift für Psychologie * ZUMA Nachrichten (in 2 articles) plus numerous conference proceedings, book chapters, editorials, and Web sources.
Twenty of his journal articles [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] are the most highly cited or among the most highly cited in their respective journals. See Web of Science author impact beamplot for the publications they list.

Search in Google Scholar, ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, CiteULike, or the scopus.com database for articles that refer to publications by Reips. According to Google Scholar, U.-D. Reips' h-index is 56, meaning that 56 of his publications have been cited at least 56 times (e.g. [1] has been cited 1400 times,
[9] has been cited 1840 times, and Nr. 103 has been cited 56 times). Google Scholar is not error free, for example it merges some publication counts, which reduces the h index. The h-index doesn't correct for co-authorships, so it should be mentioned that six of the 56 publications in the h-index were published by 119-126 authors and one by several hundred, one by five authors, seven by four authors, nine by three authors, and nineteen by two authors. Reips is sole or first author of 22 and sole or senior (last) author of 32 of the 56 publications in his h-index.

continuously ijis U.-D. Reips is founding editor of the free peer-reviewed open access journal International Journal of Internet Science. [cites]

recent recognition of impact
2023/2022/2021/2020/2019 The Stanford study lists U.-D. Reips as one of the top 100’000 (ca. 2%) cited researchers worldwide with career-long impact and a below-average self-citation rate. Another ranking agency, ScholarGPS, in May 2024 named him an inaugural Highly Ranked Scholar based on lifetime achievement, with a ranking in the top 0.05% worldwide of research on the Internet.
recent paper awards 2017 In 2017 the Society for Computers in Psychology (now Society for Computation in Psychology) named the 2001 paper "Reips, U.-D. (2001). The Web Experimental Psychology Lab: Five years of data collection on the Internet. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 33, 201-211." (article no. 25 below) one of eight "groundbreaking and influential" articles in the history of the society and the field.

July/August 2017 As of July/August 2017, the paper "Schmitt ... Reips ... et al. (2007). Geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38(2), 173-212." (article no. 60 below) received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Psychiatry/Psychology based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. It was thus named a "highly cited paper" by ISI Web of Science.
popular books book cover Joinson, A. N., McKenna, K., Postmes, T., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [cites][cites for chapters]
  buchtitel Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (2008). Internet-basierte Messung sozialer Erwünschtheit [Internet-based measurement of social desirability]. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
recent special journal issues JEMS Reips, U.-D., & Buchanan, T. (Eds.). (2021). Web-based research in Psychology [Special issue]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229(4).

JEMS Oiarzabal, P. J., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2012). Migration and the Internet: Social networking and diasporas [special issue]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS), 38(9).

  see below for manuscripts that are invited, under review and in revision
in press & 2024 --pdf icon open access 200. Feigin V. L., Krishnamurthi R., Medvedev O., … Reips, U.-D., ... (2024). Usability and feasibility of PreventS-MD web app for stroke prevention. International Journal of Stroke, 19(1), 94-104. https://doi.org/10.1177/17474930231190745

199. Jenadeleh, M., Hamzaoui, R., Reips, U.-D., & Saupe, D. (2024). Crowdsourced estimation of collective just noticeable difference for compressed video with the Flicker test and QUEST+. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCSVT.2024.3402363
pdf icon open access 198. Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (in press). Meta-analyses in a digitalized world: A step-by-step primer. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-024-02374-8

197. Shevchenko, Y., & Reips, U.-D. (2024). How to use geofencing in mobile research [how-to guide]. In: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529684216

2023 -------- 196. Reips, U.-D. (2023). Using the Internet to collect data.  In H. Cooper, M. N. Coutanche, L. M. McMullen, A. T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. Sher (Eds.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological (2nd ed., pp. 409–431). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000319-019

"Great job, and thanks again for bringing a new topic to our readers." (Harris Cooper, Chief editor, November 2021)

195. Reips, U.-D., & Shevchenko, Y. (2023). How to conduct online experiments [how-to guide]. In: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529629804
pdf icon open access 194. Huber, N., Buchmüller, R., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). The relation between the public attitude towards COVID-19 and its applied policies: A dataset for binational and temporal comparison. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.84
pdf icon open access 193. Laupper, E., Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Late responding in web and mail surveys: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Survey Research Methods, 17(4), 465–491. https://doi.org/10.18148/srm/2023.v17i4.8126
pdf icon open access 192. Petras, N., Dantlgraber, M, & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Illustrating psychometric tests, scales, and constructs: An R package for Item Pool Visualization. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-022-02052-7
pdf icon open access 191. Selkälä, A., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). A new 2-dimensional question format in web survey design: Assimilation and contrast effects. Methodological Innovations, 16(2), 186-200. https://doi.org/10.1177/20597991231179392
pdf icon open access 190. Shevchenko, Y., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Geofencing in location-based behavioral research: Methodology, challenges, and implementation. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02213-2
pdf icon open access 189. Shevchenko, Y., Huber, N., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Combining a Web survey with Experience Sampling methodology. PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282649. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0282649
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 7
pdf icon open access 188. Teepe, G. W., Glase, E. M., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Increasing digitalization of life is associated with anxiety and depression: A Google Ngram analysis. PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0284091. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284091
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 5

This article is featured in:
pdf icon open access 187. Buchanan, E., Lewis, S., Paris, B., Forscher, P., … Reips, U.-D., ... Primbs, M. (2023). The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset. Scientific Data, 10, 87. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01811-7 [cites]
pdf icon open access 186. Cromjongh, R., Van Reenen, Q., König, L. M., Kanning, M., Reips, U.-D., Feuchtner, T., & Hauptmann, H. (2023). Group adapted avatar recommendations for exergames. Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 283-290). New York, NY, USA: ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-9891-6. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563359.3597389
pdf icon 1.2MB 185. Jenadeleh, M., Hamzaoui, R., Reips, U.-D., & Saupe, D. (2023). Crowdsourced estimation of collective just noticeable difference for compressed video with flicker test and QUEST+. TechRxiv.
pdf icon 273kb 184. Jenadeleh, M., Zagermann, J., Reiterer, H., Reips, U.-D., Hamzaoui, R., & Saupe, D. (2023). Relaxed forced choice improves performance of visual quality assessment methods. In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Ghent, June 2023. arXiv preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.00220
pdf icon open access 183. Merkin, A., Akinfieva, S., Medvedev, O. N., Krishnamurthi, R. V., Gutsaluk, A., Reips, U.-D., Kuliev, R., Dinov, E., Nikiforov, I., Shamalov, N., Shafran, P., Popova, L., Burenchev, D., Feigin, V. L. (2023). A pilot study of application of the Stroke Riskometer mobile app for assessment of the course and clinical outcomes of COVID-19 among hospitalised patients. Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, 13(1), 47-55. https://doi.org/10.1159/000529277
pdf icon open access 182. Sanftenberg, L., Reips, U.-D., Gensichen, J. S., & Schmidt, K. (2023). A primary care-based narrative exposure therapy on patients with post-traumatic stress disorder following intensive care. The Annals of Family Medicine, 21, 4774. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.22.s1.4774
pdf icon open access 181. Sanftenberg, L., Beutel, A., Friemel, C. M., Kosilek, R. P., Schauer, M., Elbert, T., Reips, U.-D., ...  , Gensichen, J. (2023).  Barriers and opportunities for implementation of a brief psychological intervention for post-ICU mental distress in the primary care setting – results from a qualitative sub-study of the PICTURE trial. BMC Primary Care, 23, 113. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-023-02046-0 metrics

2022 -------- 180. Reips, U.-D. (2022). Eins und eins ist zwei und mehr: Die Methodisierung des Feldes [One and one is two and more: Methodization of the field]. Vorwort zu J. Kohler, Wissenschaftlich denken und handeln in der Heil- und Sonderpädagogik (pp. 15-17). Beltz.
pdf icon 425kb 179. Reips, U.-D., & Garaizar, P. (2022). Social Lab: An “Open Source Facebook”. In A. Quan-Haase & L. Sloan, Handbook of Social Media Research Methods (2nd ed., pp. 435-444). Sage.
pdf icon 809kb 178. Reips, U.-D., & Klein, B. (2022). Innovative social location-aware services for mobile phones. In A. Quan-Haase & L. Sloan, Handbook of Social Media Research Methods (2nd ed., pp. 347-362). Sage.
pdf icon open access
pdf icon preregistered Stage 1 version
177. Bago, B., Aczel, B., Kekecs, Z., P., Kovacs, M., Nagy, T., … Reips, U.-D., ... Chartier, C. R. (2022). Moral thinking across the world: Exploring the influence of personal force and intention in moral dilemma judgments. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(6), 880–895. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-022-01319-5 Preregistration at https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9uaqm
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 18; 2021: 9
pdf icon open access 176. Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., … Reips, U.-D., ... Coles, N. A. (2022). In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries. Affective Science, 3, 577–602. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-022-00128-3 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 19; 2022: 1
pdf icon open access 175. Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Pisanski, K., ..., Miccoli, M. R., ..., Reips, U.-D., ... Zumárraga-Espinosa, M. (2022). Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 43(6), 455-474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.08.003
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 20; 2022: 1; 2021: 2

174. Lin, H., Chen, G., Jenadeleh, M., Hosu, V., Reips, U.-D., Hamzaoui, R., & Saupe, D. (2022). Large-scale crowdsourced subjective assessment of picturewise just noticeable difference. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(9), 5859-5873. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3163860 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 13; 2022: 4

173. Merkin, A., Medvedev, O., Akinfieva, S., Krishnamurthi, R., Gutsaluk, A., Kuliev, R., Dinov, E., Nikiforov, I., Shamalov, N., Reips, U.-D., Shafran, P., Popova, L., Burenchev, D., & Feigin, V. L. (2022). Application of the Stroke Riskometer mobile app-based stroke risk as a predictive tool for clinical outcomes of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19). Neuroepidemiology, 56(1), 50.
pdf icon open access 172. Petras, N., Dantlgraber, M., Reips, U.-D., & Bannert, M. (2022).  IPV: Item Pool Visualization.  Research Methods, Assessment, and iScience, Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany. Computer software (R package version 1.0.0, Sept. 2022). Available from https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/IPV/index.html
pdf icon open access 171. Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory Collaboration (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(22), e2111091119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2111091119 Preregistration at https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n3dyf [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 28; 2022: 14; 2021: 3
pdf icon on RG 170. Shevchenko, Y., & Reips, U.-D. (2022). How to prepare and conduct an Experience Sampling study via mobile phones [how-to guide]. In: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. Sage. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529610116

2021 --------
pdf icon open access
169. Reips, U.-D. (2021). Web-based research in psychology: A review. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229(4), 198–213. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000475 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 21; 2022: 7; 2021: 1
pdf icon open access 168. Reips, U.-D., & Buchanan, T. (2021). From modems to mobile apps: Web-based research in Psychology [Editorial]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229(4), 195–197. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000464
pdf icon open access 167. Reips, U.-D., & Buchanan, T. (Eds.). (2021). Web-based research in Psychology [Special issue]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229(4). https://econtent.hogrefe.com/toc/zfp/229/4
pdf icon 417kb 166. Benz, A. B. E., Kloker, L. V., Kuhlmann, T., Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., Bentele, U. U., Dimitroff, S. J., Denk, B. F., Reips, U.-D., & Pruessner, J. C. (2021). Psychometrische Kennwerte einer deutschen Übersetzung des Parental Bonding Instrument [Psychometric Characteristics of a German Translation of the Parental Bonding Instrument]. Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie (PPmP), 72, 34-44. https://dx.doi.org/10.1055/a-1503-5328
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 6; 2022: 3
pdf icon open access 165. Huber, N., Buchmüller, R. A., & Reips, U.-D. (2021). Dataset for: The relation between the public attitude towards COVID-19 and its applied policies - A binational and temporal comparison [Data set]. PsychArchives. https://doi.org/10.23668/PSYCHARCHIVES.12833
pdf icon on RG 164. Kuhlmann, T., Garaizar, P., & Reips, U.-D. (2021). Smartphone sensor accuracy varies from device to device: The case of spatial orientation. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 22-33. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-020-01404-5 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 12; 2022: 17; 2021: 15
pdf icon open access 163. Selkälä, A., Viinamäki, L., Suikkanen, A., & Reips, U.-D. (2021). Web survey entry selection by a mailed invitation letter. Survey Practice, 14 (1). https://doi.org/10.29115/SP-2021-0003
pdf icon on RG 162. Shevchenko, Y., Kuhlmann, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2021). Samply: A user-friendly smartphone app and web-based means of scheduling and sending mobile notifications for experience-sampling research. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1710–1730. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-020-01527-9 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 8; 2022: 7; 2021: 2
pdf icon on RG 161. Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., …, Reips, U.-D., ... Moshontz, H. (2021). A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1089–1110. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x. Preregistration at https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/m4gpq [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 57; 2022: 49; 2021: 10; 2020: 3

2020 --------
pdf icon on RG
160. Reips, U.-D. (2020). Internet-based studies. In Marc D. Gellman, J. Rick Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6439-6_28-2 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2022: 2; 2021: 2; 2020: 2; 2018: 4; 2015: 1; 2014: 1; 2012: 1
VAS in eHealth article open access 159. Reips, U.-D., & Buchanan, T. (Eds.). (2020). Call for Papers: “Web-based research in Psychology”, a topical Open Access issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228 (1), 62-62. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000408
pdf icon on RG 158. Bräuninger, I., & Reips, U.-D. (2020). The significance of dance in dance movement therapy: An international online survey with DMT novices. In Wengrower, H. & Chaiklin, S. (Eds.), Dance and creativity within Dance Movement Therapy: International perspectives (pp. 61-83). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
pdf icon on RG 157. Lin, H., Jenadeleh, M., Chen, G., Reips, U.-D., Hamzaoui, R., & Saupe, D. (2020). Subjective assessment of global picture-wise just noticeable difference. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 6-10 July 2020, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-72811-485-9 https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICMEW46912.2020.9106058 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 3; 2021: 3
pdf icon on RG 156. Vésteinsdóottir, V., Asgeirsdottir, R. L., Reips, U.-D., & Thorsdottir, F. (2020). Item-pair measures of acquiescence: The artificial inflation of socially desirable responding, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(3), 279-287. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2020.1766791

2019 --------
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155. Cipora, K., Soltanlou, M., Reips, U.-D., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2019). The SNARC and MARC effects measured online: Large-scale assessment methods in flexible cognitive effects. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 1676–1692. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01213-5 [cites]
This article is among the top four percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 15th of 410 papers). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 15; 2022: 13; 2021: 12; 2020: 9; 2019: 5
pdf icon open access 154. Dantlgraber, M., Kuhlmann, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Conceptual fluency in inductive reasoning. PLoS One, 14(11): e0225050. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225050
pdf icon 153. Dantlgraber, M., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Introducing Item Pool Visualization (IPV): A method for investigation of concepts in self-reports and psychometric tests. Methodological Innovations, 12(3), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/2059799119884283
pdf icon on RG 152. Garaizar, P., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Best practices: Two web browser-based methods for stimulus presentation in behavioral experiments with high resolution timing requirements. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 1441–1453. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-018-1126-4 [cites]
This article is among the top seven percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 32nd of 438 papers, shared rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 10; 2022: 6; 2021: 8; 2020: 8; 2019: 4; 2018: 1
pdf icon on RG 151. Huber, S., Nuerck, H.-C., Reips, U.-D., & Soltanlou, M. (2019). Individual differences influence two-digit number processing, but not their analog magnitude processing: A large-scale online study. Psychological Research, 83(7), 1444-1464. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-017-0964-5 [cites]
This article is among the top two percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 11th of 475 papers, shared rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 6; 2021: 8; 2020: 6; 2019: 5; 2018: 2
pdf icon on RG 150. Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Well-being, smartphone sensors, and data from open-access databases: A mobile experience sampling study. Field Methods, 31(3), 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X18824281 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 2; 2021: 9; 2020: 1
pdf icon 551kb 149. Vésteinsdóttir, V., Joinson, A., Reips, U.-D., Danielsdottir, H., Thorarinsdottir, E., & Thorsdottir, F. (2019). Questions on honest responding. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 811-825. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-018-1121-9
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 18; 2022: 15; 2021: 10; 2020: 1
pdf icon on RG 148. Vésteinsdóttir, V., Steingrimsdottir, E. D., Joinson, A., Reips, U.-D., & Thorsdottir, F. (2019). Social desirability in spouse ratings. Psychological Reports, 122(2), 593-608. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033294118767815
pdf icon open access 147. Younes, N., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Guidelines for improving the reliability of Google Ngram studies: Evidence from religious terms. PLoS One, 14(3): e0213554. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213554 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 29; 2022: 16; 2021: 17; 2020: 14; 2019: 3

2018 --------

pdf icon 1.2MB
146. Dantlgraber, M., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2018). Introducing Item Pool Visualization (IPV). University of Konstanz, GSDS Working Paper 18-08.
pdf icon 395kb 145. Götz, F. M., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2018). The emergence and volatility of homesickness in exchange students abroad: A smartphone-based longitudinal study. Environment and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916518754610 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 4; 2021: 1; 2020: 2; 2019: 1; 2018: 1
pdf icon on RG 144. Sass, R., Frick, S., Reips, U.-D., & Wetzel, E. (2018). Taking the test-taker's perspective: Response process and test motivation in multidimensional forced-choice vs. rating scale instruments. Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191118762049 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 10; 2022: 5; 2021: 7; 2020: 4; 2019: 2
pdf icon on RG 143. Stieger, S., Lewetz, D., & Reips, U.-D. (2018). Can smartphones be used to bring computer-based tasks from the lab to the field? A mobile experience sampling method study about pace of life. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 2267–2275. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0991-6
pdf icon 498kb 142. Younes, N., & Reips, U.-D. (2018). The changing psychology of culture in Germany: A Google Ngram study. International Journal of Psychology, 53(S1), 53-62. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12428 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 7; 2022: 4; 2020: 3; 2019: 5; 2018: 1

2017 --------
pdf icon 2.9MB
141. Reips, U.-D., & Garaizar, P. (2017). Social Lab: An “Open Source Facebook”. In L. Sloan & A. Quan-Haase, Handbook of Social Media Research Methods (pp. 475-485). London: Sage.
pdf icon 1.4MB 140. Götz, F. M., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2017). Users of the main smartphone operating systems (iOS, Android) differ only little in personality. PLoS One, 12(5): e0176921. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0176921 [cites]
This article, which follows up on paper 20 below by Buchanan and Reips (2001), is among the top three percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 2034th of 69731 papers, shared rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 30; 2022: 19; 2021: 24; 2020: 25; 2019: 13; 2018: 11; 2017: 2
  139. Klein, B., & Reips, U.-D. (2017). Innovative social location-aware services for mobile phones. In L. Sloan & A. Quan-Haase, Handbook of Social Media Research Methods (pp. 421-438). London: Sage.
pdf icon 833kb 138. Krantz, J., & Reips, U.-D. (2017). The state of web-based research: A survey and call for inclusion in curricula. Behavior Research Methods, 49(5), 1621–1629. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0882-x [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 10; 2022: 10; 2021: 12; 2020: 3; 2019: 7; 2018: 3; 2017: 1
pdf icon 520kb 137. Kuhlmann, T., Dantlgraber, M., & Reips, U.-D. (2017). Investigating measurement equivalence of Visual Analogue Scales and Likert-type scales in Internet-based personality questionnaires. Behavior Research Methods, 49(6), 2173–2181. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-016-0850-x [cites]
This article is among the top seven percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 47th of 702 papers, shared rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 18; 2022: 18; 2021: 24; 2020: 15; 2019: 13; 2018: 3; 2017: 3

Data at https://osf.io/gvqjs/

(Technical) Erratum to: Investigating measurement equivalence of visual analogue scales and Likert-type scales in Internet-based personality questionnaires. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0868-8

pdf icon 1.5MB 136. Schmitt, D. P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J. ... Reips, U.-D. ... Zupancic, A. (2017). Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2. Psychological Topics, 26(1), 89-137. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 6; 2022: 12; 2021: 8; 2020: 8; 2019: 10; 2018: 9; 2017: 2; 2015: 1

Paper resulting from collaboration on the second International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP-2), with Reips responsible for the research portion conducted in Switzerland.

pdf icon410kb 135. Vésteinsdóttir, V., Reips, U.-D., Joinson, A., & Thorsdottir, F. (2017). An item level evaluation of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale using item response theory on Icelandic Internet panel data and cognitive interviews. Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 164–173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.11.023 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 12; 2022: 12; 2021: 7; 2020: 6; 2019: 9; 2018: 8; 2017: 3

2016 --------

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134. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2016). New Internet myths: No truth in a postfactual world? International Journal of Internet Science, 11, 1-7.
pdf icon 726kb 133. Dantlgraber, M., Wetzel, E., Schützenberger, P., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2016). Simple construct evaluation with latent class analysis: An investigation of Facebook addiction and the development of a short form of the Facebook Addiction Test (F-AT). Behavior Research Methods, 48, 869-879. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-016-0716-2 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 3; 2022: 4; 2020: 4; 2019: 5; 2018: 4; 2017: 3; 2016: 2
pdf icon 309kb 132. Kaufmann, E., Reips, U.-D., & Maag Merki, K. (2016). Avoiding methodological biases in Meta-Analysis: Use of online versus offline individual participant data (IPD) in educational psychology. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 224, 157-167. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000251 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 8; 2022: 6; 2021: 2; 2020: 4; 2019: 3; 2018: 5; 2017: 3; 2016: 1
VAS in eHealth articlepdf icon 638kb 131. Kuhlmann, T., Wienert, J., Lippke, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2016). Using visual analogue scales in eHealth: Non-response effects in an intervention study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(6), e126. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5271 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2024: 1 (February); 2022: 6; 2021: 3; 2020: 4; 2019: 4; 2018: 4; 2017: 2
pdf icon 1.2MB 130. Reiss, S. & Reips, U.-D. (2016). Online assessment. In K. Schweizer & C. DiStefano (Eds.), Principles and methods of test construction: Standards and recent advancements (pp. 120-131). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
VAS in eHealth articlepdf icon 202kb 129. Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2016). A limitation of the Cognitive Reflection Test: Familiarity. PeerJ, 4, e2395. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2395 [cites]
This article is among the top four percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 303rd of 8716 papers, shared rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 19; 2022: 14; 2021: 19; 2020: 14; 2019: 10; 2018: 11; 2017: 7

2015 --------

pdf icon 1.5MBpdf icon Manuscript version
128. Reips, U.-D. (2015). 20 años de revolución: La investigación científica con la ayuda de la Internet. Special issue "Dos décadas de Internet | Two decades of the public Internet". Infoamérica-ICR: Iberoamerican Communication Review, 9, 59-70.

127. Reips, U.-D., & Bannert, M. (2015). dropR: Analyze dropout of an experiment or survey.  Research Methods, Assessment, and iScience, Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany. Computer software (R package version 0.9, Jan. 2015). Retrieved from https://cran.r-project.org/package=dropR.
pdf icon 152kbpdf icon 126. Reips, U.-D., Buchanan, T., Krantz, J. H., & McGraw, K. (2015). Methodological challenges in the use of the Internet for scientific research: Ten solutions and recommendations. Studia Psychologica, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.21697/sp.2015.14.2.09 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 6; 2022: 1; 2021: 5; 2020: 6; 2019: 8; 2018: 4; 2017: 2; 2016: 5; 2015: 1; 2014: 2
pdf icon 420kb 125. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2015). Crowdsourcing for science. International Journal of Internet Science, 10, 1-9.
pdf icon 756kb 124. Garaizar, P., & Reips, U.-D. (2015). Visual DMDX: A web-based authoring tool for DMDX, a Windows display program with millisecond accuracy. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 620-631. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-014-0493-8 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 2; 2021: 1; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 1; 2017: 4
Computers in Human Behavior 272kb 123. Vésteinsdóttir, V., Reips, U.-D., Joinson, A., & Thorsdottir, F. (2015). Psychometric properties of an Internet version of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale in an Icelandic probability based sample. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 608-615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.044 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 5; 2022: 2; 2021: 4; 2020: 5; 2019: 5; 2018: 4; 2017: 4; 2016: 4; 2015: 3
PDF 1.3MB 122. Younes, N., & Reips, U.-D. (2015). The changing psychology of culture in Germany: A Google Ngram study. University of Konstanz, GSDS Working Paper 2.

2014 --------

Science comment Förster case
(Commentary in the journal Science)
121. Reips, U.-D. (2014). The evidence leaves no room for other than the conclusion that fraud was conducted. Commentary on "Fresh misconduct charges hit Dutch social psychology", Science, 344 (6184), 566-567. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.344.6184.566
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 1MB 120. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2014). Mining “Big Data” using Big Data services. International Journal of Internet Science, 9, 1-8. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2021: 2; 2020: 1; 2019: 1; 2018: 2; 2017: 2; 2016: 3; 2015: 1
  119. Bruder, M., Göritz, A. S., Reips, U.-D., & Gebhard, R. (2014). Aufbruch zum Onlinelabor: Begrüßung der Kommentare [On to the online laboratory: Welcoming the commentaries]. Psychologische Rundschau, 65(2), 92-94. https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000199
RatSWD Working Paper Series, 240 450kb (reprint as an open source RatSW working paper) 118. Bruder, M., Göritz, A. S., Reips, U.-D., & Gebhard, R. (2014). Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die psychologische Forschung [A nationally funded online laboratory as infrastructure for psychological research]. Psychologische Rundschau, 65(2), 75-85. https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/ [cites]
This article is among the top ten percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: 19th of 231 papers, tied rank). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2020: 3; 2018: 1; 2017: 2; 2016: 4; 2014: 5
pdf icon 736kb Social Lab article 117. Garaizar, P. & Reips, U.-D. (2014). Build your own social network laboratory with Social Lab: A tool for research in social media. Behavior Research Methods, 46(2), 430-438. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-013-0385-3 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2021: 3; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 5; 2017: 5; 2016: 3; 2015: 2; 2014: 3
RatSWD Working Paper Series, 241 312kb 116. Göritz, A. S., Bruder, M., & Reips, U.-D. (2014). Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die Forschung: Ergebnisse einer Meinungs- und Bedarfserhebung [A nationally funded online laboratory as infrastructure for research: Results of an opinion and needs survey]. RatSWD Working Paper Series, 241, Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten. http://www.ratswd.de/dl/RatSWD_WP_241.pdf
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 631kb 115. Steinmetz, S., Slavec, A., Tijdens, K., Reips, U.-D., Pedraza, P., Popescu, A., … Markov, Y. (2014). WEBDATANET: Innovation and quality in Web-based data collection [Supplement]. International Journal of Internet Science, 9, 64-71.

2013 --------

pdf icon 380kb

114. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Internet-based studies. In Marc D. Gellman, J. Rick Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (Part 9, pp. 1097-1102). Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1005-9_28

"most downloaded document" (of more than 1200 entries, Springer)

pdf icon 136kb Internetbasierte Methoden 113. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Internetbasierte Methoden [Internet-based methods]. In M. A. Wirtz (ed.), Dorsch, Psychologisches Wörterbuch (16th ed.)(pp. 780-781). Bern: Huber.
Theorie der Kausalmodelle 112. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Theorie der Kausalmodelle [Causal model theory]. In M. A. Wirtz (ed.), Dorsch, Psychologisches Wörterbuch (16th ed.)(p. 817). Bern: Huber.
pdf icon 104kb 111. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Virtual Euskal Herria (Basque Country): Measuring a special population's Web ties. Foreword to P. J. Oiarzabal, The Basque diaspora webscape: Identity, nation and homeland, 1990s-2010s. Reno: Center for Basque Studies.
  110. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Virtual experiments: A psychological laboratory on the Internet. In C. Hine (ed.), Virtual Research Methods. London: Sage. ISBN: 978-0-85702-740-5
pdf icon 56kb Web-Experiment 109. Reips, U.-D. (2013). Web-Experiment [Web experiment]. In M. A. Wirtz (ed.), Dorsch, Psychologisches Wörterbuch (16th ed.)(p. 1660). Bern: Huber.
  108. Reips, U.-D., & Krantz, J. H. (2013). True experimental data collection on the Internet. In C. Hine (ed.), Virtual Research Methods. London: Sage. ISBN: 978-0-85702-740-5
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 488kb 107. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2013). Article impact means journal impact. International Journal of Internet Science, 8, 1-9.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 1.2MB 106. Reips, U.-D., & McClelland, G. (2013). Interactive applets on the Web for methods and statistics. University of Amsterdam, AIAS Working Paper 132.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 632kb 105. Heilmann, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2012). The mutual influence of technology and leadership behaviors. In M. C. Bocarnea, R. A. Reynolds, & J. D. Baker, Online instruments, data collection and electronic measurements: Organizational advancements (pp. 292-310). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-2172-5
  104. Joinson, A. N., Reips, U.-D., Buchanan, T., & Paine Schofield, C. (2013). Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure. In C. Hine (ed.), Virtual Research Methods. London: Sage. ISBN: 978-0-85702-740-5
pdf icon 656kb 103. Kaufmann, E., Reips U.-D., Wittmann W.W. (2013). A critical meta-analysis of Lens Model studies in human judgment and decision-making. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83528. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0083528 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2 ; 2022: 4; 2021: 5; 2020: 7; 2019: 5; 2018: 7; 2017: 13; 2016: 11; 2014: 1
pdf icon 456kb 102. Klein, B., Pretel, I., Reips, U.-D., Largo, A. B., & López-de-Ipiña, D. (2013). The Behaviour Assessment Model for the analysis and evaluation of pervasive services. Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 206, 1129-1140. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36981-0_107

2012 --------
pdf icon 5.1MB
101. Reips, U.-D. (2012). Using the Internet to collect data. In H. Cooper, P. M. Camic, R. Gonzalez, D. L. Long, A. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. Sher (Eds.), APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Vol 2: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological (pp. 291-310). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/13620-017 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 8; 2022: 5; 2021: 6; 2020: 4; 2019: 8; 2018: 9; 2017: 8; 2016: 10; 2015: 10; 2014: 3; 2013: 1; 2012: 1; 2011: 1
pdf icon 1.3MB 100. Reips, U.-D., & Buffardi, L. (2012). Studying migrants with the help of the Internet: Methods from psychology. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(9), 1405-1424. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2012.698208 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 5; 2022: 7; 2021: 6; 2020: 6; 2019: 11; 2018: 8; 2017: 4; 2016: 5; 2015: 6; 2014: 5; 2013: 4; 2012: 5
pdf iconpdf icon 555kb 99. Funke, F., & Reips, U.-D. (2012). Why semantic differentials in Web-based research should be made from visual analogue scales and not from 5-point scales. Field Methods, 24, 310-327. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X12444061 [cites]

Featured in tumblr's science blog
"Say bye-bye to the Likert scale! A really interesting research paper..." (gwen mueller, IN THE CLOUD blog)
This article is the fifth most frequently cited paper in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, May 2021: of 237 papers since August 2012). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 16; 2022: 24; 2021 : 17; 2020: 13; 2019: 9; 2018: 21; 2017: 26; 2016: 14; 2015: 14; 2014: 8; 2013: 3; 2012: 4; 2011: 1
JEMS 98. Oiarzabal, P. J., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2012). Migration and the Internet: Social networking and diasporas [Special issue]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(9).
Special issue migration Editorial 88kbSpecial issue migration Editorial 128kb 97. Oiarzabal, P. J., & Reips, U.-D. (2012). Migration and diaspora in the age of information and communication technologies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(9), 1333-1338. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2012.698202 [cites]
This article is among the top six percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, January 2018: 36th of 694 papers). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 15; 2022: 18; 2021: 28; 2020: 29; 2019: 31; 2018: 32; 2017: 15; 2016: 17; 2015: 8; 2014: 12; 2013: 11; 2012: 2. Most viewed article in its journal of all articles that appeared since 2011 (2013, Taylor and Francis).
Special issue migration Editorial 176kb 96. Snijders, C., Matzat, U., & Reips, U.-D. (2012). ‘Big Data’: Big gaps of knowledge in the field of Internet science. International Journal of Internet Science, 7, 1-5. [cites]
This article has been cited frequently (Google Scholar, May 2021: 670 citations in nine years), it is the most cited piece ever published in its journal. Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 37; 2022: 53; 2021: 85; 2020: 71; 2019: 88; 2018: 84; 2017: 101; 2016: 107; 2015: 113; 2014: 71; 2013: 20
Special issue migration Editorial 556kb 95. Steinmetz, S., Kaczmirek, L., Pedraza, P., Reips, U.-D., Tijdens, K., Lozar Manfreda, K., … Winer, B. (2012). WEBDATANET: A network on web-based data collection, methodological challenges, solutions and implementation [Supplement]. International Journal of Internet Science, 7, 78-89.

2011 --------
94. Reips, U.-D. (2011). Journal impact revisited. International Journal of Internet Science, 6, 1-7.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 1.3MB 93. Reips, U.-D. (2011). Privacy and the disclosure of information on the Internet: Issues and measurement. In A. Blachnio, A. Przepiórka & T. Rowinski (Eds.), Internet in Psychological Research (pp. 71-104). Warsaw: UKSW Publishing House.
Stieger & Reips (2010) 3.7MB 92. Reips, U.-D., & Birnbaum, M. H. (2011). Behavioral research and data collection via the Internet. In K.-P. L. Vu and R. W. Proctor (Eds.), The handbook of human factors in Web design (2nd ed., pp. 563-585). Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 6; 2022: 4; 2021: 5; 2020: 8; 2019: 2; 2018: 2; 2017: 5; 2016: 8; 2015: 7; 2014: 6; 2013: 1; 2012: 12; 2011: 3; 2010: 6; 2008: 4; 2007: 7; 2006: 2; 2005: 4
pdf icon 720kb 91. Reips, U.-D., & Garaizar, P. (2011). Mining Twitter: Microblogging as a source for psychological wisdom of the crowds. Behavior Research Methods, 43, 635-642. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-011-0116-6 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 1; 2021: 5; 2020: 5; 2019: 6; 2018: 9; 2017: 11; 2016: 11; 2015: 18; 2014: 14; 2013: 9; 2012: 5

"Potentially MindShifting Paper" (Petr Koblovský, University of Economics, Prague, 2011)
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 312kb 90. Funke, F., Reips, U.-D., & Thomas, R. K. (2011). Sliders for the smart: Type of rating scale on the Web interacts with educational level. Social Science Computer Review, 29, 221-231. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 9; 2022: 6; 2021: 12; 2020: 8; 2019: 10; 2018: 8; 2017: 9; 2016: 12; 2015: 5; 2014: 5; 2013: 7; 2012: 3; 2011: 4

2010 --------
89. Reips, U.-D. (2010). Design and formatting in Internet-based research. In S. Gosling & J. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods for conducting online behavioral research (pp. 29-43). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023:12; 2022: 7; 2021: 1; 2020: 6; 2019: 5; 2018: 3; 2017: 6; 2016: 7; 2015: 6; 2014: 1; 2013: 1; 2012: 5; 2011: 6; 2010: 1
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 652kb 88. Reips, U.-D. & Krantz, J. H. (2010). Conducting true experiments on the Web. In S. Gosling & J. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods for conducting online behavioral research (pp. 193-216). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 7; 2022: 5; 2021: 4; 2020: 3; 2019: 4; 2018: 5; 2017: 6; 2016: 3; 2015: 8; 2014: 7; 2013: 5; 2012: 3; 2011: 3; 2010: 2; 2009: 1
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 180kb 87. Dillman, D. A., Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2010). Advice in surveying the general public over the Internet. International Journal of Internet Science, 5, 1-4. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 1; 2021: 6; 2020: 4; 2019: 5; 2018: 3; 2017: 9; 2016: 11; 2015: 3; 2014: 13; 2013: 6; 2012: 5; 2011: 3; 2009: 1
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 292kb 86. Joinson, A. N., Reips, U.-D., Buchanan, T., & Paine Schofield, C. (2010). Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure online. Human-Computer Interaction, 25, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370020903586662 [cites]
This article is the second  most frequently cited paper in its journal since 2010 (ISI citation index, Oct 2022), of 235 articles. Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 73; 2022: 48; 2021: 66; 2020: 76; 2019: 60; 2018: 66; 2017: 65; 2016: 66; 2015: 47; 2014: 41; 2013: 48; 2012: 20; 2011: 18
Stieger & Reips (2010) 704kb 85. Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2010). What are participants doing while filling in an online questionnaire: A paradata collection tool and an empirical study. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1488–1495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2010.05.013 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023:15; 2022: 13; 2021: 12; 2020: 13; 2019: 15; 2018: 15; 2017: 18; 2016: 15; 2015: 17; 2014: 11; 2013: 6; 2012: 9; 2011: 8

This article is featured in:

2009 --------

Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press 892kb
84. Reips, U.-D. (2009). Internet experiments: Methods, guidelines, metadata. In B. E. Rogowitz & T. N. Pappas (Eds.), Human vision and electronic imaging XIV (Vol. 7240, pp. 53–61). International Society for Optics. https://doi. org/10.1117/12.823416  (Invited paper by the SPIE-IS&T Science and Technology Electronic Imaging societies). [SPIE] [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 9; 2022: 2; 2021: 6; 2020: 5; 2019: 6; 2018: 3; 2017: 3; 2016: 4; 2015: 5; 2014: 4; 2013: 1; 2010: 1
Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press 2.1MB
Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press
8.3MB (complete issue)
83. Reips, U.-D. (2009). Schöne neue Forschungswelt: Zukunftstrends [Beautiful new world of research: Future trends]. In C. König, M. Stahl, & E. Wiegand (Hrsg.), Nicht-reaktive Erhebungsverfahren (pp. 129-138). Bonn, Germany: GESIS Schriftenreihe, Band 1. ISSN 1869-2869, ISBN 978-3-86819-006-9
Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press 160kb 82. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2009). Webometrics for an Open Access start-up journal. International Journal of Internet Science, 4, 1-3.
Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press 6.6MB (complete book) 81. Haubner, D., Brüstle, P., Schinzel, B., Remmele, B., Schirmer, D., Holthaus, M., Reips, U.-D. (2009). E-Learning und Geschlechterdifferenzen? Zwischen Selbsteinschätzung, Nutzungsnötigung und Diskurs [E-learning and gender differences? Between self report, forced use, and discourse]. In N. Apostolopoulos, H. Hoffmann, V. Mannsmann, & A. Schwill, E-Learning 2009 - Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter (pp. 41-50). Münster: Waxmann.
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 8; 2022: 2; 2021: 10; 2020: 7; 2019: 1; 2018: 2; 2017: 3; 2016: 1; 2014: 1; 2013: 4; 2012: 3; 2011: 4; 2010: 1

2008 --------
Reips: How Internet-mediated research changes scienceCambridge University Press 2.9MB
80. Reips, U.-D. (2008). How Internet-mediated research changes science. In A. Barak (Ed.), Psychological aspects of cyberspace: Theory, research, applications (pp. 268-294). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [cites] [Download from and comment on at accompanying website]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 4; 2021: 6; 2020: 5; 2019: 4; 2018: 3; 2017: 5; 2016: 7; 2015: 3; 2014: 2; 2013: 4; 2012: 2; 2011: 5; 2010: 2; 2007: 1
Reips & Funke Interval measurement visual analogue scale 170kb 79. Reips, U.-D. (2008). Potenziale jenseits der Privatsphäre: Risiken und Chancen internetbasierter Kommunikation [Potentials beyond privacy: Risks and benefits of Internet-based communication]. Psychoscope, 29, 8-11. (Invited paper by the magazine of the Swiss Society of Psychology).
Reips & Funke Interval measurement visual analogue scale 500kb 78. Reips, U.-D., & Funke, F. (2008). Interval level measurement with visual analogue scales in Internet-based research: VAS Generator. Behavior Research Methods, 40, 699–704. [cites]
This article is among the top three percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, January 2018: 29th of 1154 papers).
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 43; 2022: 45; 2021: 61; 2020: 55; 2019: 61; 2018: 62; 2017: 53; 2016: 66; 2015: 59; 2014: 45; 2013: 30; 2012: 14; 2011: 12; 2010: 7; 2009: 6
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET SCIENCE 3 Editorial 204kb 77. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2008). High impact of a start-up journal: Surprisingly so? International Journal of Internet Science, 3, 1-6.
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 1018kb 76. Reips, U.-D., & Waldmann, M. (2008). When learning order affects sensitivity to base rates: Challenges for theories of causal learning. Experimental Psychology, 55, 9-22. http://doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169.55.1.9 [cites] [PDF at science direct]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2021: 6; 2020: 2; 2019: 1; 2018: 1; 2017: 1; 2016: 2; 2015: 1; 2014: 2; 2013: 2; 2012: 1; 2011: 1; 2010: 3; 2009: 4; 2008: 3
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 44kb 75. Honing, H., & Reips, U.-D. (2008). Web-based versus lab-based studies: A response to Kendall (2008). Empirical Musicology Review, 3(2), 73-77. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2021: 4; 2019: 1; 2018: 1; 2016: 4; 2015: 4; 2014: 1; 2013: 5; 2012: 7; 2011: 4; 2010: 4; 2009: 2; 2008: 1
CHB: self-disclosure blurring non-response
CHB: self-disclosure blurring non-response 283kb
74. Joinson, A., Paine, C., Buchanan, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2008). Measuring self-disclosure online: Blurring and non-response to sensitive items in Web-based surveys. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 2158-2171. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2007.10.005 [PDF at science direct] [cites]
This article is among the eight percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, January 2018: of 4251 papers since September 2008). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 14; 2022: 9; 2021: 11; 2020: 30; 2019: 13; 2018: 18; 2017: 11; 2016: 14; 2015: 16; 2014: 18; 2013: 14; 2012: 6; 2011: 14; 2010: 11; 2009: 2; 2008: 2
buchtitel 73. Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (2008). Internet-basierte Messung sozialer Erwünschtheit [Internet-based measurement of social desirability]. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. (See above).
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 120kb 72. Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2008). Dynamic Interviewing Program (DIP): Automatic online interviews via the instant messenger ICQ. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 11, 201-207. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2020: 3; 2018: 1; 2017: 2; 2016: 1; 2015: 2; 2014: 5; 2013: 2; 2012: 6; 2011: 1; 2010: 4; 2009: 3; 2008: 1; 2007: 1

2007 -------- 71. Reips, U.-D. (2007). The methodology of Internet-based experiments. In A. Joinson, K. McKenna, T. Postmes, & U.-D. Reips (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology (pp. 373-390). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 3; 2022: 5; 2021: 9; 2020: 2; 2019: 6; 2018: 6; 2017: 9; 2016: 10; 2015: 7; 2014: 6; 2013: 5; 2012: 9; 2011: 13; 2010: 12; 2009: 3; 2008: 6
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 164kb 70. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2007). Web 2.0, Internet 2.1? International Journal of Internet Science, 2, 1-2.
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 320kb 69. Brucks, W., Reips, U.-D., & Ryf, B. (2007). Group norms, physical distance, and ecological efficiency in common pool resource management. Social Influence, 2, 112 - 135.
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 272kb 68. Buchanan, T., Joinson, A. N., Paine, C., & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Looking for medical information on the Internet: Self-disclosure, privacy and trust. He@lth Information on the Internet, 58, 8-9.
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 408kb 67. Buchanan, T., Paine, C., Joinson, A., & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Development of measures of online privacy concern and protection for use on the Internet. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58, 157-165. http://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20459 [cites]
This article is among the 2.5 percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, January 2018: 33th of 1594 papers since Jan 15, 2007). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 60; 2022: 67; 2021: 54; 2020: 63; 2019: 57; 2018: 59; 2017: 63; 2016: 77; 2015: 60; 2014: 45; 2013: 43; 2012: 40; 2011: 31; 2010: 18; 2009: 18; 2008: 16; 2007: 9; 2006: 4
Funke & Reips Messinstrumente und Skalen 356kb 66. Funke, F. & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Messinstrumente und Skalen [Measuring devices and scales]. In M. Welker & O. Wenzel (Hrsg.), Online-Forschung 2007: Grundlagen und Fallstudien (S. 52-76). Köln: Herbert von Halem. [Abstract German] [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2020: 1; 2019: 3; 2018: 2; 2017: 1; 2016: 1; 2015: 1; 2014: 2; 2013: 1; 2012: 4; 2011: 3; 2010: 9; 2009: 7; 2008: 1
book cover 65. Joinson, A. N., McKenna, K., Postmes, T., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (See above). [cites][cites for chapters]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 13; 2022: 18; 2021: 24; 2020: 29; 2019: 19; 2018: 18; 2017: 27; 2016: 36; 2015: 27; 2014: 42; 2013: 27; 2012: 25; 2011: 22; 2010: 20; 2009: 11; 2008: 9; 2007: 5
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 136kb 64. Joinson, A. N., & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Personalized salutation, power of sender and response rates to Web-based surveys. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1372-1383. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2004.12.011 [cites]
This article is among the ten percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, February 2016: of 3085 papers since May 2007). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 10; 2022: 13; 2021: 6; 2020: 5; 2019: 9; 2018: 15; 2017: 15; 2016: 12; 2015: 16; 2014: 12; 2013: 13; 2012: 9; 2011: 15; 2010: 13; 2009: 13; 2008: 14; 2007: 10; 2006: 4; 2005: 3
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 200kb 63. Joinson, A. N., Woodley, A., & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Personalization, authentication and self-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 275-285. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2004.10.012 [cites]
This article is among the five percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, February 2016: of 3136 papers since January 2007). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 17; 2022: 10; 2021: 7; 2020: 12; 2019: 11; 2018: 16; 2017: 17; 2016: 15; 2015: 14; 2014: 14; 2013: 16; 2012: 13; 2011: 8; 2010: 12; 2009: 13; 2008: 9; 2007: 15; 2006: 4
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 96kb 62. Mangan, M., & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Sleep, sex, and the Web: Surveying the difficult-to-reach clinical population suffering from sexsomnia. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 233-236. http://doi.org/10.3758/BF03193152 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 3; 2022: 1; 2021: 5; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 5; 2017: 6; 2016: 6; 2015: 7; 2014: 6; 2013: 3; 2012: 7; 2011: 5; 2010: 8; 2009: 2; 2008: 3

Press coverage of this research:

TV and radio: ABC, CNN, National Talk Radio, German National Radio, among others.
Among top ten most read papers in last week of August '07 at New Abstracts and Papers in Sleep (NAPS).

Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 400kb 61. Paine, C., Reips, U.-D., Stieger, S., Joinson, A., & Buchanan, T. (2007). Internet users' perceptions of 'privacy concerns' and 'privacy actions'. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65, 526-536. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2006.12.001 [cites]
This article is among the top three percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, February 2016: 18th of 618 papers since June 2007). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 19; 2022: 25; 2021: 23; 2020: 16; 2019: 18; 2018: 15; 2017: 20; 2016: 39; 2015: 33; 2014: 17; 2013: 23; 2012: 16; 2011: 26; 2010: 14; 2009: 17; 2008: 10; 2007: 5; 2006: 3
  60. Schmitt ... Reips ... et al. (2007). Geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38(2), 173-212. (See below).
Einleitung 59. Stieger, S., Reips, U.-D., & Voracek, M. (2007). Forced-response in online surveys: Bias from reactance and an increase in sex-specific dropout. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58, 1653-1660. http://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20651 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 13; 2022: 10; 2021: 13; 2020: 10; 2019: 10; 2018: 6; 2017: 10; 2016: 12; 2015: 12; 2014: 8; 2013: 6; 2012: 6; 2011: 6; 2010: 1; 2009: 6; 2008: 3

2006 --------
Computer-vermittelte Kommunikation 832kb
58. Reips, U.-D. (2006). Computer-vermittelte Kommunikation [Computer-mediated communication]. In H. W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationspsychologie (S. 555-564). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Investigación y Marketing, 91, 75-79 61kb 57. Reips, U.-D. (invited paper, 2006). Encuestas a empleados a través de Internet: conceptos y descubrimientos [Employee surveys via Internet: Issues and findings]. Investigación y Marketing, 91, 75-79.
Investigación y Marketing, 91, 75-79 300kb 56. Reips, U.-D. (2006). Internet-basierte Methoden [Internet-based methods]. In F. Petermann & M. Eid (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik (S. 218-225). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Investigación y Marketing, 91, 75-79 2.6MB 55. Reips, U.-D. (2006). Web-based methods. In M. Eid & E. Diener (Eds.), Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology (pp. 73-85). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. http://doi.org/10.1037/11383-006 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 3; 2021: 10; 2020: 3; 2019: 2; 2018: 4; 2017: 3; 2016: 12; 2015: 8; 2014: 4; 2013: 3; 2012: 6; 2011: 4; 2010: 6; 2009: 2; 2008: 5; 2007: 4; 2005: 1

"...particularly enlightening..." (Daniel J. Beal, ORM, 2011)

IJIS_1_Editorial 159kb 54. Reips, U.-D., & Matzat, U. (2006). Internet Science and Open Access: First day of a honeymoon. International Journal of Internet Science, 1, 1-3.
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 492kb 53. Joinson, A., Paine, C., Buchanan, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2006). Watching me, watching you: Privacy attitudes and reactions to identity card implementation scenarios in the United Kingdom. Journal of Information Science, 32(4), 334-343. [cites]
Press coverage of this article:

This article is among the five most frequently read papers in its journal. Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 1; 2021: 5; 2020: 1; 2019: 4; 2018: 1; 2017: 11; 2016: 2; 2015: 5; 2014: 4; 2013: 1; 2011: 2; 2010: 4; 2009: 6; 2008: 2; 2007: 3

2005 --------

Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 72kb
52. Bierhoff, H.-W., Funke, J., Reips, U.-D., & Weichselgartner, E. (2005). Information und Kommunikation 2005: Ein Lagebericht und einige Zukunftsperspektiven [Information and communication 2005: A statement of current affairs and future perspectives]. Psychologische Rundschau, 56, 212-219.
Behavioral Research and data collection via the Internet 17.1MB 51.

Birnbaum, M. H., & Reips, U.-D. (2005). Behavioral research and data collection via the Internet. In R. W. Proctor and K.-P. L. Vu (Eds.), The handbook of human factors in Web design (pp. 471-492). Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum.

see second edition above (Reips & Birnbaum, 2011)

Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 268kb 50. Frick, A., Huber, S., Reips, U.-D., & Krist, H. (2005). Task-specific knowledge of the law of pendulum motion in children and adults. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 64, 103-114. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 1; 2021: 2; 2019: 1; 2018: 1; 2017: 3; 2015: 2; 2014: 4; 2013: 2; 2012: 2; 2010: 3; 2009: 3; 2006: 1; 2005: 1; 2004: 2
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 136kb 49. Reips, U.-D. (2005). Datenautobahn nutzen: Formen der internetgestützten Datenerhebung [Using the data highway: Types of Internet-supported data collection]. Psychoscope, 26(8), 6-9. (Invited paper by the magazine of the Swiss Society of Psychology).
Psychoscope: Datenautobahn nutzen 176kb 48. Reips, U.-D. (2005). Internet-Forschung in der Entwicklungspsychologie [Internet research in developmental psychology]. In G. Mey (Hrsg.) Handbuch Qualitative Entwicklungspsychologie, S. 455-475. Kölner Studien Verlag.
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 979kb 47. Reips, U.-D., & Lengler, R. (2005). The Web Experiment List: A Web service for the recruitment of participants and archiving of Internet-based experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 287-292. https://doi.org/10.3758/bf03192696 [cites]
This article is among the ten percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, December 2014: of 1117 papers since May 2005). Google Scholar citation trend: 2021: 3; 2020: 2; 2019: 3; 2018: 1; 2017: 4; 2016: 1; 2015: 4; 2014: 5; 2013: 6; 2012: 4; 2011: 8; 2010: 10; 2009: 3; 2008: 8; 2007: 4; 2006: 2; 2005: 2

2004 --------

46. Reips, U.-D. (2004). Internet-basiertes Experimentieren: Theorie, Methode, Geschichte, Werkzeuge und Empirie. Synopsis zur kumulativen Habilitation.
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 1300kb 45. Reips, U.-D., & Stieger, S. (2004). Scientific LogAnalyzer: A Web-based tool for analyses of server log files in psychological research. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36, 304-311. https://doi.org/10.3758/bf03195576 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 2; 2021: 3; 2020: 4; 2019: 2; 2017: 2; 2016: 1; 2015: 3; 2014: 2; 2013: 3; 2012: 3; 2011: 4; 2010: 5; 2009: 3; 2008: 6; 2007: 8; 2006: 3; 2005: 8; 2004: 1; 2003: 1
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 232kb 44. Reips, U.-D., & Franek, L. (2004). Mitarbeiterbefragungen per Internet oder Papier? Der Einfluss von Anonymität, Freiwilligkeit und Alter auf das Antwortverhalten [Employee surveys via Internet or paper? The influence of anonymity, voluntariness and age on answering behavior]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 6(1), 67-83. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 3; 2021: 2; 2020: 1; 2018: 1; 2016: 2; 2014: 1; 2013: 3; 2012: 4; 2011: 1; 2010: 1; 2009: 3; 2008: 2; 2007: 2; 2006: 3; 2005: 1; 2004: 2
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 196kb 43. Schmitt ... Reips ... et al. (2004a). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, see below
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 208kb 42. Schmitt ... Reips ... et al. (2004b). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, see below

2003 --------

Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 508kb
41. Reips, U.-D. (2003). Online-Erhebungen in den Sozialwissenschaften [Online surveys in the social sciences]. In: Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. (ADM), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. (ASI) und Statistisches Bundesamt (Hrsg.), Online-Erhebungen. Bonn: Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften.
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 804kb 40. Reips, U.-D. (2003). Psychologische Forschung zum und im Internet [Psychological research on and in the Internet]. Psychologie in Österreich, 22 (1), 19-25.
Reips2003Web-Experimente_Eckpfeiler 524kb 39. Reips, U.-D. (2003). Web-Experimente: Eckpfeiler der Online-Forschung [Web experiments: Cornerstones in Online Research (Rev. ed.)]. In A. Theobald, M. Dreyer & T. Starsetzki (Hrsg.). Online-Marktforschung: Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (2. überarbeitete Auflage)(pp.73-89). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Lengler, R., & Reips, U.-D. (2003). "Readers" and "scanners" evaluate e-learning: Same overall grading despite large differences in user behaviour and experiences. In C. Jutz, F. Flückiger, & K. Wefler (Eds.), 5th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE, pp. 151-154). Bern: Sauerländer.
  38. Sassenberg, K., Postmes, T., Boos, M., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2003). Studying the Internet - a challenge for modern psychology [Special issue]. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 62(2).
Editorial Swiss Journal of Psychology 76kb 37. Sassenberg, K., Postmes, T., Boos, M., & Reips, U.-D. (Eds.). (2003). Studying the Internet: A challenge for modern psychology [Editorial]. Special issue of Swiss Journal of Psychology, 62(2), 75-77.
Papers resulting from collaboration on the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP), with Reips responsible for the research portion conducted in Switzerland. Authors: Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allensworth, M., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Fowler, R., Fry, D.P., Fry, S.F., Ghayur, M.A., Giri, V.N., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Haque, S., Hefer, E., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hitchell, A., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Huffcutt, A., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampert, A., Lauri, M., Lavalle, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Mkhize, N.J., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Olimat, H., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., Píyatokh, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U.-D., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schleeter, R., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Sharan, M.B., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Turner, A., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Van Wesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupan, A.
  (60.) • (2007). The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 173-212. [cites]
This article is the second most frequently cited paper in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, January 2018: of 855 papers). As of July/August 2017, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Psychiatry/Psychology based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 130; 2022: 146; 2021: 166; 2020: 148; 2019: 174; 2018: 151; 2017: 147; 2016: 107; 2015: 118; 2014: 118; 2013: 92; 2012: 61; 2011: 62; 2010: 60; 2009: 40; 2008: 36; 2007: 10
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 196kb (43.) • (2004). Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of Self and Other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 367-402. [cites]
This article is among the top two percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, December 2014: 9th of 726 papers since July 2004). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 38; 2022: 31; 2021: 28; 2020: 38; 2019: 34; 2018: 32; 2017: 34; 2016: 28; 2015: 33; 2014: 29; 2013: 34; 2012: 39; 2011: 34; 2010: 39; 2009: 17; 2008: 29; 2007: 12; 2006: 11; 2005: 4; 2004: 6
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 208kb (42.) • (2004). Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: The effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person’s partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 560-584. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 20; 2022: 19; 2021: 17; 2020: 22; 2019: 25; 2018: 27; 2017: 26; 2016: 25; 2015: 20; 2014: 18; 2013: 28; 2012: 22; 2011: 12; 2010: 17; 2009: 15; 2008: 16; 2007: 20; 2006: 10; 2005: 5; 2004: 1; 2003: 1
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 232kb 36. • (2003). Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Personal Relationships, 10 (3), 307-331. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023:18; 2022: 15; 2021: 25; 2020: 20; 2019: 28; 2018: 23; 2017: 31; 2016: 29; 2015: 21; 2014: 21; 2013: 24; 2012: 22; 2011: 13; 2010: 22; 2009: 15; 2008: 12; 2007: 11; 2006: 7; 2005: 12; 2004: 3; 2003: 1
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 628kb 35. • (2003). Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 85-104. [cites]
This article is among the top 5% most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, December 2014: 76th of 1758 papers since July 2003). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 35; 2022: 38; 2021: 41; 2020: 51; 2019: 56; 2018: 39; 2017: 47; 2016: 22; 2015: 40; 2014: 45; 2013: 51; 2012: 47; 2011: 33; 2010: 41; 2009: 28; 2008: 38; 2007: 39; 2006: 37; 2005: 30; 2004: 19; 2003: 3

2002 --------
A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 584kb
34. Reips, U.-D. (2002). Context effects in Web surveys. In B. Batinic, U.-D. Reips, & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Online Social Sciences (pp. 69-80). Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023 (May): 2; 2022: 3; 2019: 1; 2018: 3; 2017: 2; 2016: 1; 2015: 2; 2014: 1; 2012: 3; 2011: 5; 2010: 3; 2009: 3; 2008: 6; 2007: 8; 2006: 3; 2005: 3; 2004: 7; 2003: 1; 2002: 2; 2001: 4
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 180kb 33. Reips, U.-D. (2002). Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts. Social Science Computer Review, 20 (3), 241-249. http://doi.org/10.1177/089443930202000302 [cites]
This article is among the seven percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since Fall 2002 (ISI citation index, January 2016: 41th of 618 papers). Google Scholar citation trend: 2023 (May): 1; 2022: 6; 2021: 10; 2020: 6; 2019: 13; 2018: 11; 2017: 6; 2016: 13; 2015: 11; 2014: 14; 2013: 18; 2012: 17; 2011: 23; 2010: 18; 2009: 15; 2008: 24; 2007: 21; 2006: 11; 2005: 15; 2004: 15; 2003: 7; 2002: 4
 Standards for Internet-based experimenting 116kb 32. Reips, U.-D. (2002). Standards for Internet-based experimenting. Experimental Psychology, 49, 243-256. https://doi.org/10.1026/1618-3169.49.4.243 [cites]
According to the ISI Web of Science citation index this paper is currently (Feb 2024) the most highly cited paper (of 855) that ever appeared in Experimental Psychology. Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 69; 2022: 54; 2021: 61; 2020: 60; 2019: 82; 2018: 76; 2017: 89; 2016: 100; 2015: 82; 2014: 82; 2013: 74; 2012: 77; 2011: 83; 2010: 65; 2009: 54; 2008: 76; 2007: 62; 2006: 35; 2005: 43; 2004: 18; 2003: 16
A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 636kb 31. Reips, U.-D. (2002). Theory and techniques of conducting Web experiments. In B. Batinic, U.-D. Reips, & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Online Social Sciences (pp. 229-250). Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2022: 2; 2021: 2; 2020: 1; 2019: 1; 2018: 1; 2017: 2; 2016: 4; 2015: 6; 2014: 3; 2013: 4; 2012: 3; 2011: 7; 2010: 3; 2009: 9; 2008: 3; 2007: 11; 2006: 3; 2005: 7; 2004: 7; 2003: 1; 2002: 3; 2001: 1
A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 156kb 30. Reips, U.-D. (2002). Umgekehrtes E-CRM: Wie man Stammkunden verlässlich verliert [Reverse Electronic Customer Relationship Management: How to lose your regular customers for good]. In M. Schögel & I. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Electronic Customer Relationship Management - mit Informationstechnologien Kundenpotenziale nutzen, S. 317-333. Düsseldorf: Symposion.
29. Reips, U.-D., & Musch, J. (Eds.). (2002). Internet-based psychological experimenting [Special issue]. Experimental Psychology, 49.
Editorial 2002 special issue 36kb 28. Reips, U.-D., & Musch, J. (Eds.). (2002). Special issue: Internet-based psychological experimenting. [Editorial]. Experimental Psychology, 49, 241-242. http://doi.org/10.1026//1618-3169.49.4.241
A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 840kb 27. Reips, U.-D., & Neuhaus, C. (2002). WEXTOR: A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 34, 234-240. https://doi.org/10.3758/bf03195449 [cites]
This article is among the fourteen percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, December 2014: 185th of 1352 articles since May 2002).
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2022: 4; 2021: 7; 2020: 6; 2019: 7; 2018: 3; 2017: 8; 2016: 4; 2015: 13; 2014: 11; 2013: 6; 2012: 2; 2011: 5; 2010: 8; 2009: 5; 2008: 5; 2007: 10; 2006: 6; 2005: 10; 2004: 8; 2003: 4; 2002: 2
  26. Batinic, B., Reips, U.-D., & Bosnjak, M. (Eds.). (2002). Online Social Sciences. Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2024 (Feb.); 3; 2023: 4; 2022: 2; 2021: 6; 2020: 9; 2019: 7; 2018: 7; 2017: 4; 2016: 10; 2015: 8; 2014: 9; 2013: 10; 2012: 8; 2011: 11; 2010: 11; 2009: 11; 2008: 7; 2007: 9; 2006: 9; 2005: 18; 2004: 15; 2003: 4; 2001: 2

2001 --------

A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 640kb
25. Reips, U.-D. (2001). The Web Experimental Psychology Lab: Five years of data collection on the Internet. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 33, 201-211. [cites]
This article is among the ten percent most frequently cited papers in its journal since it appeared (ISI citation index, December 2014: of 1374 papers since 2001).
Named one of eight "milestone" articles in the history of the Society of Computers in Psychology (January 2017).
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 1; 2022: 2; 2021: 5; 2020: 8; 2019: 1; 2018: 5; 2017: 7; 2016: 8; 2015: 7; 2014: 8; 2013: 3; 2012: 9; 2011: 7; 2010: 11; 2009: 7; 2008: 4; 2007: 8; 2006: 4; 2005: 9; 2004: 14; 2003: 4; 2002: 9; 2001: 3
A Web-based tool for generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures 572kb 24. Reips, U.-D. (2001). Web-Experimente: Eckpfeiler der Online-Forschung [Web experiments: Cornerstones in Online Research]. In A. Theobald, M. Dreyer & T. Starsetzki (Hrsg.). Online-Marktforschung: Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (S. 97-112). Wiesbaden: Gabler. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 2; 2021: 3; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 3; 2017: 2; 2014: 3; 2013: 4; 2012: 2; 2011: 4; 2010: 3; 2009: 3; 2008: 3; 2007: 1; 2006: 2; 2005: 2; 2004: 1; 2003: 3; 2002: 3
  23. Reips, U.-D. (2001). Merging field and institution: Running a Web laboratory. In U.-D. Reips & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Dimensions of Internet Science (pp. 1-22). Lengerich: Pabst.
  22. Reips, U.-D., & Bosnjak, M. (Eds.). (2001). Dimensions of Internet Science. Lengerich: Pabst. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 4; 2022: 1; 2021: 3; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 4; 2017: 4; 2016: 4; 2015: 4; 2014: 3; 2013: 2; 2012: 4; 2011: 6; 2010: 4; 2009: 8; 2008: 6; 2007: 5; 2006: 4; 2005: 11; 2004: 14; 2003: 10; 2002: 5; 2001: 3
F¸nf gerade sein lassen: Listenkontexteffekte beim Kategorisieren 21. Reips, U.-D., Morger, V., & Meier, B. (2001). "Fünfe gerade sein lassen": Listenkontexteffekte beim Kategorisieren ["Letting five be equal": List context effects in categorization].
Platform-dependent biases in Online Research: Do Mac users really think different? 20. Buchanan, T., & Reips, U.-D. (2001). Platform-dependent biases in Online Research: Do Mac users really think different? In K. J. Jonas, P. Breuer, B. Schauenburg & M. Boos (Eds.), Perspectives on Internet Research: Concepts and Methods. [WWW document]. Available URL: http://www.uni-konstanz.de/iscience/reips/pubs/papers/Buchanan_Reips2001.pdf [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2022: 3; 2021: 3; 2020: 2; 2019: 2; 2018: 2; 2017: 2; 2016: 3; 2015: 3; 2012: 2; 2011: 2; 2010: 4; 2009: 1; 2008: 3; 2007: 7; 2006: 4; 2005: 2; 2004: 1; 2003: 1; 2002: 3
Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five dos and five don'ts 256kb 19. Frick, A., Bächtiger, M. T., & Reips, U.-D. (2001). Financial incentives, personal information and drop-out in online studies. In U.-D. Reips & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Dimensions of Internet Science (pp. 209-219). Lengerich: Pabst. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023 (May): 2; 2022: 5; 2021: 8; 2020: 8; 2019: 13; 2018: 9; 2017: 11; 2016: 15; 2015: 11; 2014: 18; 2013: 13; 2012: 18; 2011: 16; 2010: 17; 2009: 16; 2008: 17; 2007: 20; 2006: 19; 2005: 13; 2004: 21; 2003: 13; 2002: 10; 2001: 10; 2000: 4
Dimensions of Internet Science 152kb 18. Schwarz, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2001). CGI versus JavaScript: A Web experiment on the reversed hindsight bias. In U.-D. Reips & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Dimensions of Internet Science (pp. 75-90). Lengerich: Pabst. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2020: 1; 2019: 1; 2018: 3; 2017: 4; 2016: 1; 2015: 1; 2013: 2; 2011: 4; 2010: 5; 2009: 2; 2008: 4; 2007: 4; 2006: 2; 2005: 4; 2004: 6; 2003: 7; 2002: 6; 2001: 4; 2000: 1

2000 --------

Psychological experiments on the Internet
17. Reips, U.-D. (2000). The Web Experiment Method: Advantages, disadvantages, and solutions. In M. H. Birnbaum (Ed.), Psychological experiments on the Internet (pp. 89-118). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. http://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-19760 [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023: 37; 2022: 34; 2021: 49; 2020: 34; 2019: 37; 2018: 37; 2017: 35; 2016: 46; 2015: 52; 2014: 45; 2013: 33; 2012: 36; 2011: 42; 2010: 38; 2009: 39; 2008: 27; 2007: 38; 2006: 40; 2005: 34; 2004: 29; 2003: 33; 2002: 28; 2001: 23; 2000: 5
  16. Reips, U.-D. (2000). Das psychologische Experimentieren im Internet (2. überarbeitete Auflage) [Psychological experimenting on the Internet (Rev. ed.)]. In B. Batinic (Ed.), Internet für Psychologen (S. 245-265). Göttingen: Hogrefe. [cites]
  15. Reips, U.-D. (2000). Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten (2. überarbeitete Auflage) [Tips for creating WWW documents (Rev. ed.)]. In B. Batinic (Ed.), Internet für Psychologen (S. 631-654). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Was ist Online-Forschung? ZUMA-Newsletterbeitrag 14. Reips, U.-D. (2000). Was ist Online-Forschung? Internet-Umfragen-Newsletter, 18, [10.05.2000].
A brief history of Web experimenting. In: Psychological experiments on the Internet raw, 208kb A brief history of Web experimenting. In: Psychological experiments on the Internet from publisher 13. Musch, J., & Reips, U.-D. (2000). A brief history of Web experimenting. In M. H. Birnbaum (Ed.), Psychological experiments on the Internet (pp. 61-88). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023 (May): 2, 2022: 22; 2021: 10; 2020: 8; 2019: 9; 2018: 8; 2017: 17; 2016: 21; 2015: 23; 2014: 15; 2013: 8; 2012: 18; 2011: 19; 2010: 21; 2009: 16; 2008: 15; 2007: 15; 2006: 18; 2005: 24; 2004: 21; 2003: 15; 2002: 15; 2001: 19; 2000: 5
1999 --------
Theorie und Techniken des Web-Experimentierens (Reips, 1999) 488kb
12. Reips, U.-D. (1999). Theorie und Techniken des Web-Experimentierens. In B. Batinic, A. Werner, L. Gräf, & W. Bandilla (Eds.), Online Research: Methoden, Anwendungen und Ergebnisse (S. 277-296). Göttingen: Hogrefe. [cites]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2019: 1; 2018: 2; 2017: 1; 2016: 1; 2015: 1; 2014: 1; 2013: 2; 2012: 1; 2011: 3; 2010: 2; 2009: 1; 2008: 2; 2007: 4; 2006: 5; 2005: 6; 2004: 7; 2003: 9; 2002: 4; 2001: 9; 2000: 4; 1999: 2
Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse 11. Reips, U.-D., Batinic, B., Bandilla, W., Bosnjak, M., Gräf, L., Moser, K., & Werner, A. (Eds.). (1999). Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse. Proceedings of German Online Research conference. Zürich: Online Press. [WWW document]. Available URL: http://gor.de/gor99/tband99/
Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse 956kb 10. Reips, U.-D. (1999). Online Research with children. In U.-D. Reips, B. Batinic, W. Bandilla, M. Bosnjak, L. Gräf, K. Moser, & A. Werner (Eds.). Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse. Zürich: Online Press. [WWW document]. Available URL: http://gor.de/gor99/tband99/pdfs/q_z/reips.pdf
Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse 9. Frick, A., Bächtiger, M. T., & Reips, U.-D. (1999). Financial incentives, personal information and drop-out in online studies. In U.-D. Reips, B. Batinic, W. Bandilla, M. Bosnjak, L. Gräf, K. Moser, & A. Werner (Eds.). Current Internet science - trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online-Forschung - Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse. Zürich: Online Press. [WWW document]. Available URL: http://www.gor.de/gor99/tband99/pdfs/a_h/frick.pdf (proceedings version, later published in revised version as No. 19 above).

 1998 --------

Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten 6.5MB
8. Reips, U.-D. (1998). Forschung in der Zukunft [Future Science]. In T. Krüger & J. Funke (Eds.), Psychologie im Internet: Ein Wegweiser für psychologisch interessierte User (pp. 115-123). Weinheim: Beltz.
  7. Reips, U.-D. (1998). Erwerb von Kausalwissen: Lernrichtung und Diagnostizität von Effekten [Acquisition of causal knowledge: learning direction and diagnosticity of effects]. St. Augustin: Gardez!
Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten 116kb 6. Reips, U.-D. (1998). Theorie der Kausalmodelle [Causal model theory]. In F. Dorsch, H. Häcker, & K.-H. Stapf (Eds.), Psychologisches Wörterbuch (Vol. 13, p. 426). Bern: Huber.
Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten 116kb 5. Reips, U.-D. (1998). Web-Experiment [Web experiment]. In F. Dorsch, H. Häcker, & K.-H. Stapf (Eds.), Psychologisches Wörterbuch (Vol. 13, pp. 943-944). Bern: Huber.

1997 --------

Forschen im Jahr 2007: Integration von Web-Experimentieren, Online-Publizieren und Multimedia-Kommunikation
4. Reips, U.-D. (1997). Forschen im Jahr 2007: Integration von Web-Experimentieren, Online-Publizieren und Multimedia-Kommunikation [Science in the year 2007: Integration of web experimenting, online publishing, and multimedia communication]. In D. Janetzko, B. Batinic, D. Schoder, M. Mattingley-Scott und G. Strube (Eds.), CAW-97. Beiträge zum Workshop "Cognition & Web" (pp. 141-148). Freiburg: IIG-Berichte 1/97.
Einleitung Einleitung 3. Reips, U.-D. (1997). Der Einfluß der Lernrichtung beim Erwerb von Kausalwissen: Die Berücksichtigung von Diagnostizität. Dissertation [veröffentlicht als Reips, 1998b]. Universität Tübingen. [Einleitung]
Kapitelanfang Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten 188kb 2. Reips, U.-D. (1997). Das psychologische Experimentieren im Internet [Psychological experimenting on the Internet]. In B. Batinic (Ed.), Internet für Psychologen (pp. 245-265). Göttingen: Hogrefe. [cites]
[Kapitelanfang der 1. Ausgabe, zweite überarbeitete Auflage 2000]
Google Scholar citation trend: 2023 (May): 1; 2022: 1; 2021: 3; 2020: 1; 2019: 3; 2018: 3; 2017: 2; 2016: 2; 2015: 3; 2014: 6; 2013: 2; 2012: 7; 2011: 7; 2010: 5; 2009: 5; 2008: 2; 2007: 3; 2006: 3; 2005: 6; 2004: 12; 2003: 8; 2002: 11; 2001: 7; 2000: 12; 1999: 3
Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten 156kb 1. Reips, U.-D. (1997). Tips zum Erstellen von WWW-Dokumenten [Tips for creating WWW documents]. In B. Batinic (Ed.), Internet für Psychologen (pp. 499-517). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
[1. Ausgabe komplett als .pdf-Dokument, zweite überarbeitete Auflage 2000]
  see contributions before 1997 see presentations
invited, under review and in revision
Canales, D., Garaizar, P., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Improving data quality in Internet-based studies with CRT items: A review and a generator.

Feigin, V., Krishnamurthi, R., ... & Reips, U.-D., ... Asyraf Wan Zaidi, W. (under review). Practical solutions to prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease on the individual level.
Funke, F., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Reducing measurement error by tackling formatting error: Theoretical and empirical evidence for high data quality with visual analogue scales.
Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (under review). Meta-analysis: A digital guide on bias-reduced procedures.
Kuhlmann, T., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Smartphone tilt as a measure of well-being? Evidence and obstacles in two experience sampling studies.
Lukács, G., Huber, N., Talypova, D., Miccoli, M. R., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Sample size trends in experimental psychology from 2003 to 2022: Soaring online samples and lagging offline samples.
Miccoli, M. R., & Reips, U.-D. (under review). Exact versus conceptual replication: Internet-based research investigating the replicability of cognitive effects.

Miccoli, M. R., Shevchenko, Y., Iannello, P., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Subjective financial well-being: Assessing the role of individual differences, trust, and socio-demographic environment.
Quirós-Ramírez, M. A., Feineisen, A., Streuber, S., & Reips, U.-D. (under review). Virtual Reality experiments in the field.

Reips, U.-D. (invited for full paper submission in special issue of Behavior Research Methods on Big Data in Psychology, in revision). Big Data: Using large scale Web services for research.

Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Collecting data in surfer’s paradise: Internet-mediated research yesterday, now, and tomorrow.

Reips, U.-D. (invited). Experimentation within surveys. In R. K. Thomas, Survey Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reips, U.-D., Overlander, A. T., & Bannert, M. (in revision). Dropout analysis: A method for data from Internet-based research and DropR, an R-based Web App to analyze and visualize dropout.

Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Reaction times in Internet-based versus laboratory research: Potential problems and a solution.

Reips, U.-D., Buchanan, T., Joinson, A., & Paine Schofield, C. (in revision). Internet questionnaires in e-health contexts: Non-response to sensitive items.

Reips, U.-D., Oostlander, J., & Buchanan, T. (in revision). Measures of online privacy concern and protection for use on the Internet: Further validation and development of a German version (GPCP).

Reips, U.-D., & Heilmann, T. (in revision). Askito: An open source Web questionnaire tool.

Reips, U.-D., & Mürner, B. (in revision). Stroop Invaders: A Web tool for creating Internet-based Stroop-like experiments in game format.

Sanftenberg, L., Beutel, A., ... , Reips, U.-D., ... , Gensichen, J. (under review). Patient perspectives on stress after ICU and a short primary care based psychological intervention – results from a qualitative sub-study of the PICTURE trial.

Shevchenko, Y., Heisenstein, J., & Reips, U.-D. (under review). How do avatars make a positive impression: The effect of facial cues on avatar evaluation.

Stieger, S., Scherber, L. S., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). The Name Letter Effect is based on the spelling not pronunciation of letters.

Younes, N., Höhner, L., & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Emotion words as reflection of social change.

see contributions before 1997 see presentations