Publication by Julien Bernard

We congratulate Julien Bernard (Philosophy / Alumnus) who has published the collective book “Weyl and the Problem of Space” (in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Springer, vol 49).

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Film Series based on first Zukunftskolleg Video Award

In summer term 2019, the Zukunftkolleg launched its first "Zukunftskolleg Video Award". The award is part of our network activities with our 23 sister institutions in Europe (NetIAS), and was initiated on the occasion of the European Researchers` Night on 27 September 2019.

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James Griffiths becomes Professor in Tübingen

We congratulate James Griffiths (Associated Fellow / Dept. of Linguistics) who has accepted the position of Tenure-Track Professor in English Linguistics at the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Tübingen. He started on 1 August 2019.

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Results of the first AAA Fellowship Call

In its first call for AAA Fellowships for early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America (the closing date for applications was 30 April 2019), the Zukunftskolleg received 206 eligible applications.

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NetIAS Meeting in Aarhus

On the occasion of the annual NetIAS business meeting and EURIAS Fellows meeting, Giovanni Galizia and Daniela Kromrey travelled to Aarhus at the beginning of April.

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W2-Professorship for Tanja Rinker

We congratulate Tanja Rinker (Associated Fellow / Dept. of Linguistics) who has accepted a W2-Professorship for “German as a Foreign Language / Didactics of German as a Second Language” at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.

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