A complete success: First “Geistes Slam” in Konstanz. Ancient historian Henning Börm wins

The nation-wide premiere of a “Geistes Slam” inspired about 200 visitors at the University of Konstanz. The auditorium was bursting at the seams on Saturday, November 19th, 2011 as five brave young researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and from the Zukunftskolleg introduced themselves to the audience. With maximum eight-minutes long talk, the protagonists showed Immanuel Kant’s understanding of human’s freedom not only as the one of a spatula (Philosopher Federica Basaglia) and also how a “pig in a poke” is able to simplify complex situations (Linguist Eva Smolka). Mario Müller from the “Theater mit beschränkter Hoffnung” (TmbH), moderated with esprit the contributions of the participants and also the following applause-vote. The audience chose ancient historian Henning Börm the winner of the first “Geistes Slam” in Konstanz at the end of the event which crowned the “Tag der Geisteswissenschaften”.

Further information about the program is available here.

If you missed this amazing event you can get a picture of it listening to a reportage by Thomas Wagner on "Deutschland Funk" about the Konstanzer Geistes Slam here  http://ondemand-mp3.dradio.de/file/dradio/2011/11/24/dlf_20111124_2010_fe7aee9d.mp3 or reading about it here http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/studiozeit-ks/1611927/.


Interview with Eva Smolka

Interview with Henning Börm and Mario Müller