Uni-Konstanz Uni-Konstanz
Department of Computer and Information Science   Lecture  

Algorithmic Graph Theory


The following table shows the preliminary schedule for the semester, where L indicates a lecture, and Ex an excercise class.
17 OctL
24 OctL
31 OctEx1
7 NovL
14 NovEx2
21 NovL
28 NovEx3
5 DecL
12 DecEx4
19 DecL
9 JanL
16 JanEx6
23 JanL
30 JanEx7
6 FebL
13 FebEx8
18 OctL
25 OctL
1 NovHoliday
8 NovL
15 NovL
22 NovL
29 NovL
6 DecL
13 DecL
20 DecEx5
10 JanL
17 JanL
24 JanL
31 JanL
7 FebL
14 FebL

last change 2016-07-19