Tandem-Fellowship für digitale Hochschullehre für Ines Mergel und Susanne Brüggen

Mit dem Projekt „Studentische Selbstwirksamkeit in Großvorlesungen durch digitale Lehr-/Lernprozesse unterstützen“ gehen Ines Mergel und Susanne Brüggen nicht nur der Frage nach, wie Elemente digitaler Lehre die Präsenzlehre sinnvoll anreichern und ergänzen können, sondern auch wie die soziale Eingebundenheit der Studierenden erhöht und somit soziales Lernen gefördert werden kann.


Welcome Week for Doctoral Researchers 2022

The Academic Staff Development invites all new and interested doctoral researchers to the traditional Welcome Week for doctoral researchers, which in this year will take placefrom Dec 12 to 16 2022. With this event, we would like to welcome you officially and cordially at the University of Konstanz and support you in gaining important contacts, knowledge and skills for the successful start of your doctorate.


Festive Opening of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) on Friday, 22 July 2022

The board and the team of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) and the Doctoral Conventions cordially invite you to celebrate the opening of the KRS together. The KRS unites the variety of doctoral programmes at the University under one roof and guarantees all doctoral researchers high quality standards as well as a wide range of services and support offers for the doctorate.
