Welcome Week für Promovierende / for Doctoral Researchers

The Academic Staff Development invites all new and interested doctoral researchers to the traditional Welcome Week for doctoral researchers, which in this year will take place online via videoconferencing.

With this event, we would like to welcome you officially and cordially at the University of Konstanz and support you in gaining important contacts, knowledge and skills for the successful start of your doctorate.


Welcome Week für Promovierende / for Doctoral Researchers

The Academic Staff Development invites all new and interested doctoral researchers to the traditional Welcome Week for doctoral researchers, which in this year will take place online via videoconferencing.

With this event, we would like to welcome you officially and cordially at the University of Konstanz and support you in gaining important contacts, knowledge and skills for the successful start of your doctorate.

Please find our programm with all additional links HERE


Welcome Week für Promovierende / for Doctoral Researchers 18.11. - 20.11. 2019

Das Academic Staff Development lädt Sie herzlich ein zur Welcome Week für Promovierende der Universität Konstanz in der Anfangsphase.

Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, beginnende Promovierende an der Universität offiziell und in einem festlichen Rahmen willkommen zu heißen und sie beim Start in eine erfolgreiche Promotionsphase durch Kompetenzvermittlung und Implementierung eines begleitenden Beratungs- und Serviceangebotes zu unterstützen.
