First Konstanz Postdoc Week

The first Postdoc Week at the University of Konstanz is aimed at postdocs of all career stages and disciplines. We will provide information on academic careers and alternative career paths, and promote networking and orientation at the University of Konstanz.

The highlight will be a festive opening event on Monday, 18 November from 17:00 to 19:00 with an expert panel discussion on artificial intelligence in science and a reception with information booths by the Support Services.

A variety of workshops, lectures and social events will be offered to support your research and teaching activities, understand the German academic system and prepare for the next steps in your career. The university´s Support Services will present valuable information on grant writing, technology transfer, academic contracts, international mobility, science communication, research data management and much more. Additional events will take place at the Zukunftskolleg and in some departments.