C-H|D|S Retreat in Hegne - 16.-17. November 2023

16. - 17. November 2023
15:00 - 18:00

Hotel St. Elisabeth, Stiftung Kloster Hegne

Centre for H|D|S

Daniel Keim, Liane Wörner, Beate Ochsner


At the Centre for Human | Data | Society (CHDS) we focus on the impact and substantial changes caused by the digital transformation in all social contexts.

On November 16 and 17, a retreat will be held at Hotel St. Elisabeth of Stiftung Kloster Hegne to further discuss the full proposal content of the H|D|S - Der Mensch in der Datengesellschaft of the Excellence Initiative.


Possible Research Directions

  • How do data protection regulations affect trust in digital platforms?
  • Are current data practices in line with human rights and ethics?
  • What are the ethical aspects of data-driven decisions for marginalized groups?
  • How can laws protect privacy without hindering technological innovation?
  • How does personal agency influence views on data sharing and privacy?
  • How can we set ethical guidelines for Big Data in key sectors without compromising data quality?
  • Do data methods require or promote cultural and societal values?
  • How can we increase transparency of data use in organizations to enable informed consumer decisions?
  • What threats to autonomy arise from reliance on algorithms and machine learning?
  • How do generational views on privacy and ethics impact future policy?

Further Information: www.uni-konstanz.de/centre-for-human-data-society/