Prof. Dr. Johannes Huwer
Johannes Huwer is a professor of Science Education at the University of Konstanz since 2020. He studied chemistry, history, and educational sciences and earned his PhD from the University of Saarland. After his teaching internship, he took over the junior research group for the didactics of chemistry at the University of Saarland. In 2019, he became Professor of Chemistry and its Didactics at the University of Education in Weingarten, until he accepted the chair in Science Education in 2020. Johannes Huwer is an expert in digitalization, digitality, and sustainability education in science education. He leads several expert working groups (e.g. the AG „Digitalization in Chemistry Education“) and has received multiple awards for his work. His work focuses on two main goals: 1) to improve the school science curriculum through analysis of learning processes when learning with and about media and data (e.g. augmented reality), and 2) to use these data to better train pre-service teachers and to consolidate these findings into generally applicable competence frameworks (e.g. „Digitally-related Pedagogical Content Knowledge“-model (DPACK) or DiKoLAN ).
Research-related publications
Learning with and about Media and Data (e.g. Computational and Data Literacy):
- Syskowski, S., & Huwer, J. (2023). A Combination of Real-World Experiments and Augmented Reality When Learning about the States of Wax&mdash – An Eye-Tracking Study. Education Sciences, 13 (2), 177.
- Braun, D., & Huwer, J. (2022). Computational literacy in science education–A systematic review. Frontiers in Edcuation, 7:937048.
- Karayel, C. E., Krug, M., Hoffmann, L., Kanbur, C., Barth, C., & Huwer, J. (2022). ZuKon 2030: An Innovative Learning Environment Focused on Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Chemical Education.
- Huwer, J., Barth, C., Siol, A., & Eilks, I. (2022). Learning with Digital Media about the Chemistry behind the Recycling of Digital Hardware. In J. Dori, C. Ngai, & G. Szteinberg (Eds.), Digital Learning and Teaching in Chemistry. RSC.
- Krug, M., Czok, V., Müller, S., Weitzel, H., Huwer, J., Kruse, S., & Müller, W. (2022). Ein Bewertungsraster für Augmented-Reality-Lehr-Lernszenarien im Unterricht. ChemKon, 29 (S1), 312-318.
- Huwer, J., Barth, C., Siol, A., & Eilks, I. (2021). Combining reflections on education for sustainability and digitalization – learning with and about the sustainable use of tablets along an augmented reality learning environment. ChemKon, 28 (6), 235-240.
- Tschiersch, A., Krug, M., Huwer, J., & Banerji, A. (2021). Augmented Reality in chemistry education – an overview. ChemKon, 28 (6), 241-244.
- Probst, C., Lukas, S., & Huwer, J. (2021). Using Augmented Reality to introduce the Bohr atomic model in 3D in the classroom – a study about learning effects and perception of students. INTED2021 Proceedings (6), 1661-1668.
- Krug, M., Czok, V., Huwer, J., Weitzel, H., & Müller, W. (2021). Challenges for the design of augmented reality applications for science teacher education. INTED2021 Proceedings (6), 2484-2491.
- Seibert, J., Heuser, K., Lang, V., Perels, F., Huwer, J., & Kay, C. W. M. (2021). Multitouch Experiment Instructions to Promote Self-Regulation in Inquiry-Based Learning in School Laboratories. Journal of Chemical Education, 98 (5), 1602-1609.
- Probst, C., Fetzer, D., Lukas, S., & Huwer, J. (2021). Effects of using augmented reality (AR) in visualizing a dynamic particle model. ChemKon, 29 (4), 164-170.
- Huwer, J., Banerji, A., & Thyssen, C. (2020). Digitalisierung ‐Perspektiven für den Chemieunterricht. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 68 (10), 10-16.
- Seibert, J., Schmoll, I., Kay, C. W. M., & Huwer, J. (2020). Promoting Education for Sustainable Development with an Interactive Digital Learning Companion Students Use to Perform Collaborative Phosphorus Recovery Experiments and Reporting. Journal of Chemical Education, 97 (11), 3992-4000.
- Teacher-Professionalization
- Müller, L., Thoms, L.-J., Möhrke, P., Henne, A., & Huwer, J. (2022). Erprobung neuer Konzepte in der universitären Lehrerbildung für den Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen nach DiKoLAN – Entwicklung und Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines Lehr-Lernmoduls im Bereich Simulation und Modellierung. ChemKon, 29 (S1), 349-354.
- Kotzebue, L. v., Meier, M., Finger, A., Kremser, E., Huwer, J., Thoms, L.-J., Becker, S., Bruckermann, T., & Thyssen, C. (2021). The Framework DiKoLAN (Digital Competencies for Teaching in Science Education) as Basis for the Self-Assessment Tool DiKoLAN-Grid. Education Sciences, 11 (12), 775.
- Becker, S., Bruckermann, T., Finger, A., Huwer, J., Kremser, E., Meier, M., Thoms, L.-J., Thyssen, C., & Kotzebue, L. v. (2020). Orientierungsrahmen Digitale Kompetenzen für das Lehramt in den Naturwissenschaften – DiKoLAN. In S. Becker, J. Meßinger-Koppelt, & C. Thyssen (Eds.), Digitale Basiskompetenzen – Orientierungshilfe und Praxisbeispiele für die universitäre Lehramtsausbildung in den Naturwissenschaften, pp. 14-43. Joachim-Herz-Stiftung.
- Huwer, J., Irion, T., Kuntze, S., Schaal, S., & Thyssen, C. (2019). Von TPaCK zu DPaCK - Digitalisierung des Unterrichts erfordert mehr als technisches Wissen. Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht (5), 358-364.
- Huwer, J., Irion, T., Kuntze, S., Schaal, S., & Thyssen, C. (2019). Digitality-related Paedagogical Content Knowledge (DPaCK) - A Framework for teacher education in the digital age. In M. Shelly & A. Kiray (Eds.), Education Research Highlights in Mathematics, Science and Technology, pp. 298-309. IRES Publishing.
- Henne, A., Möhrke, P., Thoms, L.-J., & Huwer, J. (2022). Implementing Digital Competencies in University Science Education Seminars Following the DiKoLAN Framework. Education Sciences, 12 (5), 356.
- Diepolder, C., Weitzel, H., Huwer, J., & Lukas, S. (2021). Verfügbarkeit und Zielsetzungen digitalisierungsbezogener Lehrkräftefortbildungen für naturwissenschaftliche Lehrkräfte in Deutschland. Zeitschrift Für Didaktik Der Naturwissenschaften, 27, 203–214.
- Zimmermann, F., Melle, I., & Huwer, J. (2021). Developing Prospective Chemistry Teachers’ TPACK–A Comparison between Students of Two Different Universities and Expertise Levels Regarding Their TPACK Self-Efficacy, Attitude, and Lesson Planning Competence. Journal of Chemical Education, 98 (6), 1863-1874.