Prof. Dr. Marten Breuer
Marten Breuer is holder of the Chair for Public Law with Focus on International Law at the University of Konstanz. He is Principal Investigator of the Centre for Human | Data | Society since 2022. As a member of the working Group "Law and Digitization (RuD)", he contributes to the interdisciplinary discussion about the digitization of law.
He studied law at the University of Würzburg from 1992-1997. His doctoral thesis has a focus on constitutional law (voting rights of Germans resident abroad). The doctoral degree was obtained in 2000. After the Second State Examination (2002), Breuer started to work on his habilitation thesis, which dealt with questions of state liability for judicial wrongs in German, European and International law. His habilitation was approved in 2010. Following several interim professorships, Breuer became full professor at the University of Konstanz in 2012.
Marten Breuer has expert knowledge in European Data Protection Law, and particular expertise in human rights law (especially concerning the European Convention on Human Rights). This led to an appointment as an ad hoc expert by the Council of Europe in 2014. Furthermore, Breuer prepared several reports on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in non-German cases on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice. Other fields of research concern the law of international organisations, and state liability law.
Research-related publications
- Breuer, M. (2022). 'Principled resistance' meets 'ultra vires': New techniques in opposing ECtHR judgments, ZaöRV 82, 641-670,
- Breuer, M. The Council of Europe as an AI Standard Setter, Verfassungsblog 04.04.2022,
- Breuer, M. (2021). The Concept of 'Principled Resistance' to ECtHR Judgments: A Useful Tool to Analyse Implementation Deficits?, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 12, 250-270,
- Breuer, M. (2021). § 8. Menschenwürde und weitere Fundamentalgarantien, in: Grabenwarter, C. (ed.). Europäischer Grundrechteschutz, Enzyklopädie Europarecht, Bd. 2, 2nd edition.
- Breuer, M. (2020) § 25. Datenschutz, in: Heselhaus, S./ Nowak, C. (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Europäischen Grundrechte, 2nd edition.
- Breuer, M. (2019). Principled Resistance to ECtHR Judgments - A New Paradigm?
- Breuer, M., Schmahl, S. (2017). The Council of Europe. Its Law and Policies.
- Breuer, M. (2011). Staatshaftung für judikatives Unrecht. Eine Untersuchung zum deutschen Recht, zum Europa- und Völkerrecht, Verlag Mohr Siebeck, Jus Publicum 211.