Contact persons for doctoral researchers at the University of Konstanz

Contact for doctoral candidates and doctoral students in the early phase

Barbara Stark

Room V 610, Phone: +49 7531 88 -4186

Contact for advanced doctoral students and coaching

Silke Hell

V 610, Tel.: 07531/88-4987

Your contact person for doctoral research at the Central Examination Office

Edelgard Matzner

Room C 401, Phone: +49 7531 88 -3114

Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00

Your contact person in the Division of Student Affairs

Enrolment for doctoral students from abroad

Lora Schlothauer

Room D 439, Phone: +49 7531 88 -2468

Office hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-12:00

Your contact person in the Division of Student Affairs

Enrolment for doctoral students from Germany

Peter Bisinger

Room D 416, Phone: +49 7531 88-2486

Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00

Your contact person for state scholarships for doctoral researchers (Landesgraduiertenförderung)

Linda Dilfer

Room V 618, Phone: +49 7531 88-2797