Our online editorial staff assure effective communication on the web and in social media. We support all university departments and offices with their web appearance and maintain the university’s central web pages.
Good print material text does not necessarily make for good web text: Online readers tend to “scan” texts, perceive content very selectively and decide within a few seconds whether a text appears to be worth reading. The language used on the University of Konstanz webpages reflects its values and self-perception. For your convenience, we have put together some guides. These materials will help you create texts in a university-wide uniform design that appeal to your audience.
Please contact us with any questions that you may have!
Social Media
Charlotte Krause (part time 80%)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4728
Kathrin Zander (part-time 50%)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4728
Central university websites, online magazine
Miriam Leifeld
Telefon: +49 7531 88-4576
Parental leave
Simone Mutschler (part time 80%)
Phone: +49 7531 88-4728