Tailored support for parents

The Equal Opportunity Office supports the reconciliation of research and family tasks. These grants and benefits are tailored to the scientific framework according to the longlasting experience and evaluations. Especially young researchers are in need of services that absorb the multiple responsibilities of research, teaching, networking and parenthood. 

Beside this support the university subsidises the Kinderhaus Knirps & Co. and flexible child care that is open to all university members.

Please contact Tanja Edelhäußer for advice before applying.

Flexible working conditions for postdocs with care responsibilities

Target Group

Postdocs with children or relatives they take care of 




1 Feb until 31 Dec 2024


Up to 150 hours for student assistant, or voucher of 60 hours for emergency care during parental leave

Laboratory Assistance for Female Researchers

Target Group

Pregnant or breastfeeding female researchers




According to agreement, up to 2.000 Euros for student assistant

Travel Grant for accompagnying children to conferences

Target Group

Young female researchers with children and "active fathers"

Organisers of conferences

ongoing (latest 4 weeks prior to the journey/conference)


max. 250 Euros per child

Stays abroad with Family

Target Group

Researchers of the UKN who are planning a temporary stay abroad of at least two months and are taking their children with them.


Ongoing (latest 8 weeks prior to the start of support)


Financing of a student assistant for up to 10 hours