Lichtspiel im Foyer
Lichtspiel im Foyer

10th Annual conference of the Example Society

xx - xx Month xxxx in Konstanz

The example conference has been the annual flagship event of the example society since 2003. The topics of the annual conference are current developments and challenges in the area example - with a focus on the future potential of examples. Experts will discuss about the future of the example conference.

The event is targeted at decision-makers and administrators from universities, the political and the business sphere as well as at lecturers, administrative staff and also students. With an average number of 500-600 participants, the trans-regional specialist conference has become the largest forum for experts on the topic of example in the German-speaking area.

The conference day example, which complements the programme with relevant practical examples and experiences, has been the partner event since 2008. Example conference and conference day go hand in hand, so participants can address current topics of teaching and administration in universities and develop solutions together.

The conference includes renowned keynote speakers, podium discussions on university politics as well as workshops and other related events.

The 10th example conference and the conference day take place on XX and XX month XXXX at the University of Konstanz.

Conference location: Welcome to the University of Konstanz!

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