
Eurokonstantia - Hochschulsport Konstanz


We are looking forward to spending a few great days with you, where together we will look after each other and our environment!

No deposit label, no play!

We are fed up with picking up thousands of domestic and foreign cans, sorting them and then disposing of them!


Our appeal: Please only hand in deposit cans, neatly sorted, and you will receive drink vouchers in return.
Are you tired of lugging pallets of beer and other drinks around the world and then having to drink the warm drink at the end of it? Would you rather have a freshly chilled keg of beer on the spot, relaxed and without any hassle? We are offering you the 5-litre party keg (Pils) from the Rothaus State Brewery in (pre-)sale for an economical 15 euros.

Simply order by Friday, 10 June at the latest by sending an e-mail to: (state name and number). You can get the cool beer in the keg at the tournament office. Pre-ordered kegs can be picked up daily during opening hours! Remaining kegs will be available at the Rothaus bar until the "last round".

With our "greenAndclean competitions" we want to involve sustainable issues at the Eurokonstantia, thus making the sports fest greener. This means that we are fighting against rubbish and the wasting of food and packaging at our tournament!
We are also working hard on reducing car rides to Konstanz and on reducing the use of water and electricity.

Single-use plastic

We have banned various single-use plastic products such as straws, cutlery and spoons/stirrers from our production chain and have converted to degradable alternatives.
Since we can really only achieve something together, we are also asking for your help! Please leave all plastic confetti, cutlery, spoons/stirrers and straws at home or, better still, don’t buy them in the first place. There are wonderful alternatives for all of these products, and therefore we don't want to see any of these single-use plastic products at our sport facilities any more.

Food concept

Since 2017, we have been paying more attention to regional and/or ecological businesses. In addition, we place great value on an increased range of vegan and vegetarian food.

To reduce food waste, we offer you the possibility to give us your non-perishable and unopened food, which we then donate to the local food bank.

Travel concept

Travelling causes CO² - no question! But there are always ways to make the journey more sustainable and thus more sensible and also more relaxed:
- Why travel with three cars when you can share a minibus?
- Why travel by car and minibus when you can share a coach with another university?
- Why not travel across the whole of Germany by night train (

And for all those with very long journeys:
The nearest airport is Zurich (Switzerland) and perfectly connected to Konstanz by train.
You can reach our sports facilities at the University of Konstanz perfectly by public transport with lines 4/13 or 9a/b/c from Konstanz station.