What are the Benefits?

EUniWell understands itself essentially as a learning institution, whose structures are intended to be as guiding as necessary but as flexible and agile as possible in order to help the co-creation of new ideas on all levels and to react quickly to new challenges. EUniWell does not have a physical reality in the sense of having its own campus with a number of venerable buildings. Rather, EUniWell is an idea and a spirit which is to be developed in the minds of the people who are part of it.

How can I benefit from EUniWell?

Opportunities for Students

Encouraging students to engage in diverse learning opportunities, embrace mobility experiences, and embody a European mindset fosters cultural understanding and personal growth. We list a couple of options here. For more information, please get in touch with the EUniWell Team.

Are you interested in contributing your ideas and making a difference? Become a member of our Local Board!

Contact us via students.euniwell@uni-konstanz.de or have a look at the EUniWell Team Website for more information!

Opportunities for Researchers and Educators

EUniWell provides funding and networking opportunities to support the endeavors of researchers and educators, facilitating collaborations, resource acquisition, and knowledge exchange through thematic work, seed-funding and mobility offers.

  • If you are interested in getting involved in the thematic arenas in EUniWell, you can find an overview over the representatives of the thematic arenas at the University of Konstanz here.

Opportunities for Administrative and Service Staff

In a European context, exploring best practices in staff mobility fosters cross-cultural exchange and enriches professional development opportunities.