Partner universities Sociology

In the following list, you find the Erasmus+ places at partner universities and partner departments of the Department of Sociology in the academic year 2024/25.

Please note

The information is based on the arrangements made to date; in individual cases, there may still be changes (different number of places, length of stay). The final decision on admission always lies with the partner university.

In the following list, you find the Erasmus+ places at partner universities and partner departments of the Departments of Literature, Art and Media Studies and Linguistics (LitLing) in the academic year 2023/24. If you would like to apply for a stay abroad at an Erasmus+ partner university in the academic year 2024/25 (i.e. WS 2024/25, SS 25, or WS 2024/25 and SS 25), you have to submit the application form of the Faculty of Humanities until 1st February 2024. After then, only applications for remaining places are possible.

The application form is not yet available. Once it is (in December), it can be accessed through our website "Application Erasmus+".

Below you find an overview of the relevant partner departments with which we have exchange agreements. In the list, you see the study levels for which places are available; Bachelor and Master of Education students (GymPO) can apply for places at BA and MA level, depending on the time of stay abroad within the course of studies and what you wish to be credited. In addition, the number of places and months of the Erasmus+ stays are mentioned (e.g. 2x5 means that 2 places are available for 5 months each). As the universities are in part flexible regarding the duration of stay, we also specify if places for a whole year can also be used as semester places (stay for either winter or summer semester instead of the whole academic year).

Please research information about the courses offered, options of taking them and language requirements for Erasmus+ students on the webpages of the relevant partner universities.


Universität Innsbruck | 2x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: A INNSBRU01

Partner department: Institut für Soziologie

Constraints on course choice:
The choice of courses within the partner department is usually very flexible; students can choose their courses quite freely from the range of courses offered in the study programme to which they are admitted in Innsbruck (Sociology). Restrictions may be possible for isolated courses. In addition, the "interdisciplinary and additional course courses" is available to all students regardless of their field of study. Individual courses from other disciplines may be taken as well, but participation cannot be guaranteed in advance and must be approved by the course instructor. Courses cannot be selected from the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Business and Management
  • Faculty of Economics and Statistics
  • Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science
  • Faculty of Teacher Education

For more information on course selection (including a link to the course catalgue), please visit the university's webpage for academic information

You can find information about the application process on the university's webpage for Erasmus+ students and further useful information on the their webpage for exchange students.

Universität Wien | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: A WIEN01

Partner department: Institut für Soziologie

Constraints on course choice:
The very well-structured webpage for exchange students explains the regulations on course choice:
"Please note that as an exchange student you generally have to select courses in the field of study that you have been nominated for. As of the academic year 2020/21, incoming students are expected to take at least 16 ECTS per year (8 ECTS per semester) in the nominated field of study. If you are interested in taking courses from a different field of study, this counts as taking courses outside your nominated field of study.
This must be discussed with the mobility coordinator of the other field of study AFTER your arrival in Vienna. However, there is no guarantee that a place will be available.
Each field of study handles this topic a bit differently. You will find some initial information regarding the possibility of attending courses outside your nominated field of study in this list. 
Exceptions: specific courses related to Austria, which are, in principle, open for every exchange student, and language courses at the Language Center of the University of Vienna.
Please note that you must always register for a course, even if you are just interested in taking it. Students cannot attend a course unless they have registered online within the registration period.
Information about the confirmation of courses outside your nominated field of study on the Learning Agreement can be found below under the item “Learning Agreement”."

You can find further useful information on the university's webpage for Erasmus+ students.


Universiteit Gent | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: B GENT01

Partner department: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice: 
The partner department has a special "Exchange Programme in Political and Social Sciences" from which exchange students should choose their courses. At least half of the courses should be chosen from the Sociology department, the other half can also be chosen from the exchange programmes of other departments. Courses in the BSc Social Sciences can NOT be taken, or only if they are also part of the above-mentioned exchange programme. For more information on course selection, please visit the partner department's webpage.

You can find further important information on the university's fact sheet and the webpage for exchange students.

Czech Republic

Masaryk University (Brno) | 2x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: CZ BRNO05

Partner department: Department of Sociology

Constraints on course choice: 
At least 50% of the courses must be taken in the partner department. On the webpage of the University's International Office you can find an overview of the courses offered in English and important information for exchange students. Further information can be found in the university's fact sheet 2024/25.

Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Prag) | 5x5 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: CZ PRAHA07

Partner department: Faculty of Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
In Prague, students must choose 51 % of their courses at the partner faculty.  Students who go to Prague via the agreement with the Faculty of Social Sciences would therefore have to take 51% of the courses there and could take 49% of the courses at other faculties. However, the following departments do not accept students from other faculties: 
– Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
– Department of English Language and English Language Teaching Methodology
– Department of Film Studies
– Department of Psychology

The courses offered by the various faculties can be found in the course catalogue.

You can find further information on the University's webpage for Erasmus+ students, in their fact sheet 2024/25 and the fact sheet of the Faculty of Social Sciences 2024/2025.  There is also an Erasmus+ webpage from the partner faculty.


Roskilde Universitet | 1x5 BA

Erasmus code: DK ROSKILD01

Partner department: Social Sciences and Business

Proof of sufficient language skills: 
In the course of their application for admission, exchange students will be asked to submit a proof of sufficient English language skills. Information on this and the application process and requirements can be found on the exchange students webpage and in the university's fact sheet 2024/25. In addition to the usual proof (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), a test-template provided by the DAAD and filled in by an English lecturer from the Language Institute (SLI) will be accepted, provided the following skills are assessed: speaking, hearing, reading and writing English skills. The result must correspond at least to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR ). An Abiturzeugnis (German general higher education entrance qualification) is also accepted, as long as it shows the sufficient English language skills according to the minimum level.

Constraints on course choice: 
There are several course packages to choose from in which all courses are taught in English and are specifically designed for exchange students. Each course package bears 30 ECTS credits. Exchange students are encouraged to choose a semester package within one field of study because they will benefit from:
– no overlap in lectures and exams
– study activities will most likely be with the same group of fellow students (the entire semester)
– project work and courses are arranged in such a way that they result in more ECTS credits as a package than if taken individually. It is not mandatory to take the course package from the partner department. However, prior knowledge and suitability for the chosen course package will be checked individually. 

Students may also take courses from different fields of studies (no package), but must adhere to the requirement that at least 20 ECTS credits (or one project paper (15 ECTS credits) and one course (5 ECTS credits)) must be taken from the same field of study. The study at the university is based on problem-oriented and project-based learning, more information about the learning principles can be found on the webpage.

The university's webpage offers further useful information on accommodation and guides for starting your studies.

This university is part of the European university network European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), which was granted within the European Universities Initiative by the EU 2020. We expect thrilling teaching and learning projects among the participating universities! You find further information about the network and other mobility options to one of the participating universities on the ERUA webpage of the University of Konstanz.


Tallinn University | 1x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: EE TALLINN05

Partner department: School of Governance, Law and Society

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
The general rule is that at least 70% of the courses must be taken in the partner department. However, this rule has been softened for sociology students, so that they are allowed to take additional courses outside the School of Governance, Law and Society after consultation with the respective local department. 
BA students generally cannot take MA courses (although the offerings there are interesting).

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

University of Tartu | 4x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: EE TARTU02

Partner department: Institute of Social Studies

Constraints on course choice:
Interdisciplinary studies are possible, but at least some of the courses should be chosen from the partner department. Information on the grading system and a list (Excel file) of courses taught in English (or other foreign languages) can be found on the university's webpage. Exchange students can also select courses from the Study Information System by setting the criteria in the "detailed search" as follows:

  • Language of instructions: English
  • Academic year:
  • Semester:
  • Can be taken by international visting students

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


Nantes Université | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: F NANTES01

Partner department: UFR Sociologie

Constraints on course choice:
At least 70% of the courses must be chosen from the partner department (Sociology), otherwise there are no special requirements for course selection. However, Sociology is taught in French. An overview of the BA and MA degree programmes in Sociology can be found on the webpage of the partner department. 

The webpage for exchange students contains useful information on course selection.

Université Paris 8 (Vincennes - Saint-Denis) | 1x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: F PARIS008

Partner department: UFR Textes et Sociétés

Proof of sufficient language skills:
No official proof of language proficiency is required but French proficiency at level B2 is presupposed. A free intensive language course is offered at the beginning of semesters (two weeks in September, one week in January).

Constraints on course choice:
Interdisciplinary studies within the humanities are possible because courses can be chosen from all departments::

"As ours programs may differ from yours, we give the students in exchange the possibility to attend courses in all departments, so that they can choose the courses that matches their study plan.
So the student can be registered in several departments. (...)

We inform you that our university, UNIVERSITE PARIS 8 VINCENNES SAINT-DENIS, is registered on OLA and may therefore use Erasmus Dashboard for learning agreements.
For the moment, the Manager for incoming students, Céline Butelle, will sign the learning agreements on the OLA platform, as many students choose courses in several fields of studies. Nevertheless, the students should contact the academic coordinators in their fields of studies before submiting the learning agreement so that the coordinators can help them in the choice of their courses and approve it before signed." (Correspondence 03/2021)

You find further information in the fact sheet 2024/25 of the partner university and the university's webpage for exchange students.

This university is part of the European university network European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), which was granted within the European Universities Initiative by the EU 2020. We expect thrilling teaching and learning projects among the participating universities! You find further information about the network and other mobility options to one of the participating universities on the ERUA webpage of the University of Konstanz.


Eötvös Lorand University (Budapest) | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: HU BUDAPES01

Partner department: Faculty of Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
Courses in other departments can be taken after prior consultation with the respective departmental coordinator in Budapest.
2/3rd of the courses must be taken at the partner department, the remaining 1/3rd can be taken at other departments.

For more information, please visit the university's webpage for exchange students

ELTE introduction


Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca | 3x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: I MILANO16

Partner department: Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale

Constraints on course choice:
Students should select courses from the partner department and contact the local Erasmus+ coordinator to discuss their course selection.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Università di Pavia | 2x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: I PAVIA01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose from a range of sociological, political science and social science courses. Some course offered in English are also available. 

Depending on the study cycle, interested students can consult the BA programmes or MA programmes of the partner faculty. The following courses, among others, are offered in English: Global InequalitiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologySustainable Societies: Social inclusion, environment and well-beingMethodological and computational approaches in data scienceAcademic Writing

From the 2024/25 academic year, a BA programme "Social Sciences for Global Challenges" will also be offered entirely in English. 

In addition, the Language Centre offers language courses in many different foreign languages (including Italian).

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2022/23.

Università di Trento| 2x5 BA, 2x5 MA


Partner department: Department of Sociology and Social Research

Constraints on course choice:
Students may choose up to 40% of their courses from other Departments (if they meet the prerequisites).
Bachelor students are allowed to attend Master’s courses taught in English (in some cases!) if they meet the prerequisites of the courses.

For courses taught in Italian (mostly at the Bachelor level), please consider that the Department has an "English-friendly" organization. In other words, although Italian is spoken in the classroom, the teachers are willing to agree with international students on an alternative bibliography and evaluation in English.

For more information on course choice:

The MA-programm is taught in English. The partnership is targeted at students of the MA Sociology of Inequality.


University of Latvia (Riga) | 1x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: LV RIGA01 

Partner department: Faculty of Social SciencesSociology

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
The only requirement: exchange students must take at least 50% of their courses in the subject area of the agreement.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


Vilniaus University | 1x6 BA

Erasmus code: LT VILNIUS01

Partner department: Faculty of Philosophy

Constraints on course choice:
Taking courses is not only possible outside the partner department, but also outside Vilnius University:

"Exchange students are welcome to choose also the courses at partner institutions of Vilnius University:
Courses at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Courses at Vilnius Academy of  Arts
When choosing the courses at partner institutions make sure that their descriptions are available. Vilnius University is not able to provide them. Please note that the credits and grades you will get at partner institutions will be included in VU Transcript of Academic Records."
(see the webpage on courses offered in foreign languages)

After the nomination it is obligatory for the preparation of a Learning Agreement (and before that it is very useful) to contact the Erasmus+ coordinators of the partner department regarding the offered courses.

You can find further information on the university's wepage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2022/23.


Universiteit van Amsterdam | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: NL AMSTERD01

Partner department: College Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
Upon request, we received the following response:
"Students are expected to choose their courses from the Exchange Programme College Social Sciences. This programme consists of the English taught courses on BA-level of the BSc programmes Political Sciences; Interdisciplinary Social Sciences; Cultural Anthropology; Sociology; Human Geography and Planning; Child Education and Development; Communication Science. For some courses students need to have a strong disciplinary background. Other courses are open to all students in our programme. This is indicated as such in the course catalogue:
Students are not allowed to take courses on MA-level.
Students in the Exchange Programme College Social Sciences are allowed to take up to 12 ECTS-points outside the programme at another department/faculty. However Social Sciences students will have second priority as the faculties and departments will place their own students first. The possibility to take courses outside the Exchange Programme College of Social Sciences depends on the approval of the International Office of the faculty to which the courses belong."

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in the partner department's fact sheet 2024/25.

Universiteit Maastricht | 1x5 BA

Erasmus code: NL MAASTRI01 

Partner department: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers a diverse and interdisciplinary range of courses. Exchange students can benefit from this wide range and usually choose courses from different fields of study. More information can be found on the university's webpage for exchange students.

The departments of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:
-    History (partner of the Departmental Section History)
-    Literature & Art
-    Society Studies (partner of the Departmental Section Sociology)
-    Political Studies
-    Philosophy

Universiteit Utrecht | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: NL UTRECHT01

Partner department: Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Information on contacts and application procedures can be found on the department's webpage for exchange students, the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2023/24.

Constraints on course choice:
At least 50% of the courses must be taken in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Further information on the course requirements, registration and the course list can be found on the department's webpage for exchange students. Please choose your courses carefully by looking closely at the entry requirements. Since the department doesn't offer many Master courses for Master exchange students, those students are allowed to get registered for Bachelor courses during their exchange.

Students wishing to study at the Universiteit Utrecht as (Erasmus) exchange students should be able to follow lectures in English, participate in seminar discussions and understand written material. In addition, most courses require writing essays and research papers in English as well. A good knowledge of the English language is therefore necessary to successfully study in Utrecht (minimum level B2, CEFR). 

"An independent housing corporation arranges the accommodation, and the terms and conditions are rather strict. Therefore we urge students to read the terms and conditions before applying for housing. It is possible to read the terms and conditions on

The most important matters in the terms and conditions of intermediary services for temporary housing are the following:

  • The rental period is for a full semester or full academic year and cannot be shortened or cancelled once the rental period has started.
  • Housing applications for SSH Reserved Accommodation 2024-2025 for UU students will not open until Spring. Please ask your students to check regularly on for the announcement of the exact starting date. If the housing database will be open, the student will need to register as soon as possible, because rooms are allocated on a first come first served base."  (Correspondence 02/2024)



University of Oslo | 2x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: N OSLO01 

Partner department: Department of Sociology and Human Geography

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose courses relatively freely, even in different faculties. This does not apply to courses offered by the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and some courses offered by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. BA students cannot take MA courses.
To participate in courses taught in Norwegian, a language level of B2 (CEFR) is required.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2024/25.


'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University (Iasi) | 1x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: RO IASI02

Partner department: Faculty of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
At the partner departments, courses can be taken liberally, outside of the philologies, however, the language of instruction is usually Rumanian. Only from the MA level on do the departments offer a broader selection of courses in foreign languages. There is an overview of the study programmes in foreign languages, which provides a first orientation. The course catalogue for exchange students will also help you with your course selection.

You can find further useful information and the university's fact sheet on their webpage for Erasmus+ students.


Universidad de La Coruña | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: E LA-CORU01

Partner department: Facultade de Socioloxía

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Courses can be chosen relatively freely, but the language requirements in particular must be met: courses are often held in Galician.

You can find further useful information on the university's webpage for exchange stundents and in their fact sheet.

Switzerland – Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP)

Universität Luzern | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: CH LUZERN01

Partner department: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
Courses should be taken mainly from the partner department, although enrollment in other departmental sections is also possible.

You can find further useful information on the university's webpage for student mobility.


Altinbas University (Istanbul) | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: TR ISTANBU38

Partner department: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Bachelor's Programme Sociology

Please note that there is no master's programme in Sociology. Master students from Konstanz can either take courses from the 4th year of the bachelor's programme (this is 4-year and not 3-year programme like in Konstanz), or take courses from other related master's programmes (e.g. political science, data analysis), provided they fit into the curriculum of their study programme. An overview of the study programmes and courses offered can be found on the university's webpage. 

Constraints on course choice:
No known restrictions.

You can find further important information on the university's International Office webpage and in their fact sheet

Bilgi University (Istanbul) | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: TR ISTANBU11

Partner department: Department of Sociology

Constraints on course choice:
No restrictions, exchange students may choose courses from any field of study that interests them, they just need to get approval to participate from the respective lecturer (at the time of course selection). Of course mandatory prerequisites (e.g. prior knowledge) must be met for participation. The course catalogue provides the ability to filter by academic year, departments, study programmes, keywords, and semester. For more information, please visit the webpage for exchange students

Middle East Technical University Ankara | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: TR ANKARA04

Partner department: Department of Sociology

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose courses across departments and study levels (BA/MA/PhD), as long as the respective lecturers  of the courses agree (they might ask for a Transcript of Records of the home institution). The following courses are not open to exchange students:
- courses that are taught on the Northern Cyprus Campus
- courses belonging to evening programmes
- courses in international Joint Degree study programmes

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students

United Kingdom

University of Essex (Colchester) | 1x3 BA, MA

Erasmus code: UK COLCHES01

Partner department: Department of Sociology

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Essex is similiar to Konstanz in many ways. The universities are approximatly the same age and have a similiar departmental structure. The following rules apply to the course choice of exchange students:
"We're flexible at Essex. You're not restricted to study within one department, you can explore new areas of study across multiple departments and build your own academic programme.
Please note that if you visit us under the Erasmus+ programme, you must be studying in the academic discipline in which the Erasmus+ agreement is held."
So you should definitely take courses in the partner department, but you can also try to get a place in courses in other departments.

You find further information in the university's fact sheet 2024/25, in their presentation for incoming exchange students and in their flyer for exchange students.

University of Nottingham | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK NOTTING01

Partner department: School of Sociology and Social Policy

Proof of sufficient language skills:
An official language test is required. This can be replaced, if necessary, by an Abiturzeugnis (German general higher education entrance qualification) with a minimum score of 12 or 13 points in the English advanced course (as of 01/2021).
Further information on the language requirements can be found on this list detailing English Language Equivalencies.

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students aren't allowed to take courses in the following departments/departmental sections:
-       Arts – Foundation
-       Business Foundation
-       Genetics and Human Genetics
-       Foundation - UK and EU
-       Molecular Sciences
-       Science Foundation

Courses can only be taken in the following departments/departmental sections if an agreement exists:
-       Medicine and Surgery
-       Midwifery
-       Nursing
-       Pharmacy
-       Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
-       Social Work
-       Veterinary Medicine and Science

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2024/25.

University of Sheffield | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK SHEFFIE01

Partner department: Department of Sociological Studies

Constraints on course choice:
Courses from all departments can be taken as long as the necessary course requirements are met. This partnership is therefore especially suitable if you would also like to take courses for your second major or your minor. However, certain subject areas (e.g. English Modules) are in high demand and it is then necessary to switch to other areas. 

You can find further information on the univeristy's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet 2022/23.

University of York | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK YORK01

Partner department: Department of Sociology

Constraints on course choice::
Exchange students at the undergraduate level (bachelor) may take courses from up to three departments. 

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.