Konstanz Research School for all Doctoral Researchers

Excellent conditions for your doctorate

– Home to all forms of doctoral studies at the Universityof Konstanz
– High quality standards in doctoral supervision and support
– Think Tank for doctoral education with representatives of all involved parties
– Service Desk PhD for orientation and support for your doctorate

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Studentin an einem Arbeitsplatz im KIM
Studentin an einem Arbeitsplatz im KIM

Babbel Language Courses - Places still available!

Would you like to learn or brush up on a foreign language? Then Babbel might be the right choice for you!

Babbel is an e-learning platform for web-based learning of various foreign languages. Users are offered courses on grammar and vocabulary with the help of short topic blocks to teach reading, writing, listening comprehension and speaking in the selected foreign language. A placement test can be used to determine the current language level. Different levels of difficulty enable the current personal language skills to be gradually increased. Through the additional use via app, Babbel offers a wide scope for self-determined learning.

On this website you will find an overview of the language courses offered by Babbel.

We offer doctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers, professors free access to Babbel's online language courses.

Click here for details and contact information.
