Konstanz Research School for all Doctoral Researchers

Excellent conditions for your doctorate

– Home to all forms of doctoral studies at the Universityof Konstanz
– High quality standards in doctoral supervision and support
– Think Tank for doctoral education with representatives of all involved parties
– Service Desk PhD for orientation and support for your doctorate

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Sommer- und Eröffnungsfest der Konstanz Research School am 22.07.2022
Copyright: Barbara Stark

Summer Party of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) 2024

On behalf of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) and the Doctoral Researcher Council, we would like to cordially invite you to our summer party on 4 July!

The summer party will take place on 4 July from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the University of Konstanz as part of the Dies Academicus.

Stop by for a glass of champagne – find us below the beer garden- and meet other doctoral researchers. Seize the opportunity to talk to us about your ideas and expectations as to your doctorate at the University of Konstanz.

And: come to get your voucher for another free drink!

In case of bad weather, the summer party will take place at K7. In that case, we will inform you on the KRS website: uni.kn/krs.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you there!

Contact: konstanzresearchschool@uni-konstanz.de

With best regards
the KRS Team and the Doctoral Researcher Council
