Quality Management

The University of Konstanz has established a Quality Management System (QMS) in each of the following areas: study and teaching, research and the advancement of junior researchers, equal opportunity, internationalisation and research support services. Quality Management supports the Rectorate with implementing the Quality Management System. Please consult the QM concept to learn more about the Quality Management System.

[Translate to Englisch:] Gezeichnetes Buch mit der Aufschrift Forschungsrahmenbefragung und Kästchen, die eine Befragung visualisieren.

Thank you for your feedback on the research and promotion conditions

Survey results are currently being analysed and will then be presented to the university bodies and committees.

From 15 July to 7 August 2024, all researchers at the University of Konstanz were invited to provide feedback on research conditions. Doctoral students were asked about their doctoral and research conditions in a parallel survey.

We would like to thank all participants! In total, 37 % of the researchers and 34 % of the doctoral candidates participated in the surveys.

What's next?

Key results of the surveys have already been sent to members of the Rectorate and the responsible departments. The survey data is currently being analysed in detail so that the results can then be presented to the relevant committees. The aim is to identify suitable measures to improve the framework conditions for research at the university and, if necessary, to initiate them.

Contact: Johanna Vogt und Fabian Knisel