Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

“HERZlich willkommen”: a very warm welcome

New perspectives for research talent from the Global South: University of Konstanz to receive funding through the Henriette Herz Award presented by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for an active recruitment campaign geared specifically towards highly qualified early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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Archive of animal migration in the Arctic

A global archive with movement data collected across three decades logs changes in the behaviour of Arctic animals. The archive is hosted on the Movebank platform at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz.

Robots help to answer age-old question of why fish school

Study using biomimetic fish-like robots shows that swimming closely together offers fish hydrodynamic benefits – research project with participation from University of Konstanz researchers provides first experimental validation of an answer to an old question.

Kritik am Föderalismus nimmt ab

Zweite Befragungswelle der Studie der Universität Konstanz zur öffentlichen Wahrnehmung des Krisenmanagements in der Corona-Virus-Pandemie mit erhärteten Ergebnissen

Soziale Sicherung in Bangladesch

Wie staatliche Hilfen bei den Ärmsten unter den älteren Menschen in Südasien besser ankommen, erforscht die Konstanzer Entwicklungsökonomin Viola Asri in einem Projekt des Exzellenzclusters „The Politics of Inequality“ der Universität Konstanz. Lesen Sie die ganze Reportage über die Feldforschung in Bangladesch in unserem Online-Magazin