Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



The entrance to the Zukunftskolleg at night

New international contacts

The University of Konstanz’s Zukunftskolleg has joined the network "University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study"

Primate researcher Dr Gisela Kopp

First Zukunftskolleg Hector Fellow

Biologist Dr Gisela Kopp, who will be the first researcher to receive a Hector Pioneer Fellowship, will join the University of Konstanz’s Zukunftskolleg in March 2018.

ICARUS project: Start delayed

[Only available in German] The flight of the ICARUS antenna to the International Space Station ISS has been postponed to

Administrative failures with fatalities

In their latest book ‘Verwaltungsdesaster’ (Public Administration Disasters), Wolfgang Seibel, Professor of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz, and his co-authors Kevin Klamann and Hannah Treis, investigate the nature of severe organisational failures that resulted in the loss of human lives.

Life's origami

[Only available in German] "Zukunftskolleg Lecture" with Professor Vinod Subramaniam from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam