Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



Unborn – born

Historical research on nascent life – a topic in cultural science

Universität mit der Insel Mainau im Hintergrund

Fresnel Prize for Dr Daniele Brida

The Konstanz-based physicist Dr Daniele Brida was awarded the Fresnel Prize of the European Physical Society (EPS) – a society of 42 European physical societies. The Fresnel Prize is awarded biennially across Europe to two young scientists under the age of 35, “for outstanding contributions in the area of quantum electronics and optics”.

Stuhl im Hörsaal R

The organisation behind the killing machine

Opening event of the “Konstanzer Kulturwissenschaftliche Kolloquien” (cultural studies lecture series) of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz.