Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

Vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal

Vaccine hesitancy has been around since long before the coronavirus pandemic. A research team from Konstanz and Berlin is now examining how vaccination rates and vaccine hesitancy developed in the time before the pandemic.

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Saving animal lives using Big Data

The Movebank ecosystem of tools offers a one-stop-shop solution to storing, sharing, and making sense of the deluge of data generated by the animal tracking revolution. The Big Data platform helps scientists study animal behavior and ecology, and it can save animal lives - by enabling large-scale conservation projects, but also in individual cases.

Konstanzer Homeoffice-Studie

Konstanzer Langzeitstudie stellt fest, dass besonders jüngere ArbeitnehmerInnen dem Arbeiten im Homeoffice positiv gegenüberstehen. Ein Sechstel von ihnen würden für garantierte Homeoffice-Tage sogar Gehaltseinbußen in Kauf nehmen.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize for Iain Couzin

Outstanding research on the "rules of the swarm": behavioural biologist Professor Iain Couzin from the University of Konstanz awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Leibniz Prize is the most important and most highly endowed research award in Germany.

One algorithm to rule decision-making

Researchers uncover a single rule for how animals make spatial decisions while on the move – international research project lead by Konstanz scientists

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Among the most influential scientists

Collective behaviour researcher Prof Iain Couzin from the University of Konstanz has been included in the 2021 list of the “Global Highly Cited Researchers” for the fourth time in a row.

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Social Policies for the Digital Age

Political scientists at the University of Konstanz investigate citizens’ expectations of their governments in 24 OECD countries in response to increasing automatization and digitalization of their workplace.

Wie Landvögel Ozeane überqueren

Zugvögel wählen ihre Routen so, dass sie die besten Rückenwind- und Aufwindbedingungen vorfinden. So gelingt es ihnen, ohne Zwischenstopps hunderte von Kilometer über das offene Meer zu fliegen.

Order of merit for Martin Wikelski

Professor Martin Wikelski was awarded the Baden-Württemberg order of merit. In Radolfzell, the Minister of Science, Theresia Bauer, gave the laudation for the director of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and honorary professor of the University of Konstanz