The University of Konstanz’s ombudspersons for doctoral research provide independent and neutral advisory, mediating and support services.
These are available to all doctoral researchers and supervisors. If you experience problems or conflicts in your relationship with your supervisor or if the supervision agreement is violated, you may consult any one of our three ombudspersons for doctoral research, irrespective of the faculty you belong to. If you as the involved parties are unable to reach an agreement by yourselves, you may seek advice or mediation from one of our ombudspersons, either individually or together. The aim is to arrive at a constructive and practical solution to the conflict.
Any concerns that you raise with our ombudspersons, as well as any consultations and discussions, are kept strictly confidential. Ensuring confidentiality protects all the persons involved and it also applies after the case has been closed.
The basic principles of the work of the ombudspersons are described here:
As far as doctoral research is concerned, the work of the ombudspersons does not affect the activities of other university units. If you have any questions or concerns about good scientific practice, possible violations thereof (such as scientific dishonesty) or related conflicts, please contact the Research ombudsperson or the Commission for Responsibility in Science.
Further information about and recommendations for the ombudspersons for doctoral research are available from the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (in German only) (German Rectors’ Conference) and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (in German only)