We have implemented many quality assurance measures and made them an integral part of our research activities and the promotion of junior researchers. For example: research applications are assessed by external organisations, we review publications to be published in expert journals; there are established processes to evaluate doctoral theses and babilitation theses. We also carry out interim evaluations of junior professors and our appointment processes are well-structured and competitive.
Besides these mechanisms that are fixed components in research and the promotion of junior researchers, we have established a number of additional quality assurance instruments that have been implemented through our quality management system across the entire university.
Quality has many dimensions for us at the University of Konstanz. Our aim is to assure the quality of our research results, including originality, methodical precision, scope, and the work performed by our junior researchers. Furthermore, we monitor the quality of our structures and processes. Here, our aim is to provide optimum conditions and infrastructure for research so that we can reduce the administrative workload of our researchers and junior researchers.
Our Vice-rector for Research and Academic Staff Development is responsible for assuring the quality of research and the promotion of junior researchers. Quality Management supports this goal. The team carries out various monitoring and evaluation processes, and also documents and improves our processes.
Instruments include:
- Peer review
- Monitoring
- Doctoral students' survey
- Evaluations
- Process web portal
- Plagiarism prevention and good scientific practice