Sport Science for Health – Master of Science

Postgraduate study programme which requires a first university degree.For this, the University of Konstanz offers the Bachelor's Programme in Sport Science.

Sport Science is a truly multidisciplinary field of research and practice. Learn how to harness its power for maintaining and improving health. The Master's program is 4-semester, postgraduate study programme which requires a first university degree. Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) are responsible for up to 70% of deaths worldwide (World Health Organization). Physical inactivity and inadequate physical fitness are major risk factors for NCD’s. Consequently, Sport Science can make a crucial contribution to improving individual and public health. Our program is designed to help you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to do so. Specifically, the MSc Sport Science for Health provides a

  • comprehensive (from basic research to real-life applications) 
  • multidisciplinary (e.g., Training & Movement Science, Sport Psychology, Social and Health Science)   
  • multimethod (e.g., neuroscience, exercise physiology, neuromechanics, psychometrics and ambulatory assessment) 

approach to Sport Science that allows you to specialize in your area of interest. Excellent state-of-the-art research facilities, a team of internationally renowned researchers, and our global network of cooperation partners will allow you to gain high-level expertise in applying Sport Science for Health.

  • Master of Science
Start of study
  • Winter semester
Standard period of study
  • 4 Semester
Application period
  • 15.03. - 15.04. (15.04. visa / approx. 01.05.-15.06. no visa )
Admission restriction
  • Yes
Mandatory minor
  • No
ECTS Credits
  • 120
Ø Number of new students
  • 15

Why study Sport Science for Health in Konstanz?

  • A comprehensive foundation enables high-level specialization: By developing a robust understanding of the topics and methods of Sport Science in the first year, you will be optimally equipped to choose in which sub-discipline(s) you specialize in the second year.
  • Multifaceted problems require a multidisciplinary approach: A multitude of factors need to be considered to understand and improve health. In the M.Sc. Sport Science for Health, we embrace this complexity by integrating the expertise of the research units within the Sport Science department to take a truly multidisciplinary approach to health.
  • Making basic research applicable for interventions: Together with our leading academics, you will bridge the gap between basic and applied research and learn to harness their mutual importance for designing and evaluating tailored interventions. We call this “from lab to life”.
  • State-of-the-art facilities for cutting-edge research: From day one, you will have access to state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities, where we cross-link modern learning formats and on-site laboratories for neuromechanics, physiology, psychology and ecological momentary assessment.
  • Collaboration in teaching and research: We create a collaborative learning environment that is adaptive to your specific interests and that allows you to develop the skills and knowledge needed to manage your own research project.

The MSc Sport Science for Health is the stepping stone for a career in health, or for pursuing a PhD: These five points are the pillars of our program. They will enable you to meaningfully contribute to and critically assess on-going research projects already during your Masters and equip yourself with the key transferable skills that put you in a competitive position to enter the job market straight away and prepare you in the best way for a potential subsequent PhD study.

Study content


Career prospects

With a MSc in Sport Science for Health, you will be able to

  • stay in research: If you are interested in an academic career, you can follow up with doctoral studies in your field of interest.
  • enter the healthcare sector: For example, as a sport therapist, your focus is on the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient's optimal state.
  • become a Trainer/Coach: As a coach, you train individual athletes or a team in terms of strategy, technical and physical skills.
  • train to become a sports psychologist: Sport and exercise psychology deals with assessing and optimizing mental processes in competitive and health-oriented sports ad exercise contexts.
  • work as Project or Sales Manager: A project manager is responsible for planning, implementation, acceptance and follow-up of projects. A sales manager is responsible for the management of a sales and distribution department in a company.

This selection of careers that our Alumni have pursued should give you an idea about the vast range of possibilities you can pursue. More information on career prospects as a MSc in Sport Science for Health can be found here.

Study structure

Start of study

Winter semester

Study structure

You can find an exemplary structure of the study programme in this table.

These documents will support you in planning your studies:

Opportunities for additional training

At the University of Konstanz, you have a broad range of opportunities and training options that complement your study programme, for example orientation programmes to support new students, learning guidance, language courses, a data and information literacy programme as well as options promoting career-oriented skills and social commitment.

Skills for successful studies Career-oriented skills and social commitment Get ready for your career start

Internships and stays abroad


The MSc Sport Science for Health contains an internship of at least two months. The Department of Sport Science and the Career Service of the University of Konstanz will be happy to assist you finding your ideal internship position.

Stay abroad

A period of studying abroad can be a great experience. The university promotes study abroad via the ERASMUS+ programme and numerous other exchange programmes.

Impressions from students and lecturers

Hear from students and lecturers
In our interview series, students talk about their subject, teachers explain the department's research and tell you what topics they cover in seminars and lectures.

Get an impression
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Study requirements

Admission requirements for studying

  • Qualifying degree of a three-year (or more) study programme in sport science or a related subject with obvious links to sport science, acquired at an institution of higher education or 'Berufsakademie' (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science).
  • Documentation of your English language skills (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). More information can be found in the "Language skills" category above.

Further information can be found in the admission regulations.


Semester fee
All students enrolled at the University of Konstanz are charged a semester fee each semester, similar to all other German universities. Here you can find the current semester fee and its individual components.

Tuition fees for first degree studies for certain international students
Since winter semester 2017/18, the state of Baden-Württemberg has required some international students to pay tuition fees for their first degree studies. The following students are not required to pay tuition fees: citizens of a country within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), doctoral students and certain “Bildungsinländer” (e.g. non-EU citizens with a German “Abitur”). More detailed information can be found here.

Each year, the University of Konstanz grants exemptions to a limited number of particularly gifted international degree-seeking students in accordance with the university’s “Begabtenbefreiungssatzung” (statutes governing the exemption of gifted students). More detailed information can be found here.

Tuition fees for second degree studies for all students
All students are required to pay tuition fees for their second degree studies. More detailed information can be found here.

Required language skills

Foreign language skills
You have to document advanced English language skills (spoken and written English), level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages if you are not an English native speaker. You can document your English language skills through one of the following language tests (or equivalent tests):

  • TOEFL (internet-based result 90 or better)
  • Cambridge Frist Certificate in English (grade C or better)
  • Five years of continuous English lessons in secondary education at a German or international English-speaking school with a minimum grade of 7 points or 'befriedigend/satisfactory' (usually certified by the higher education entrance qualification)
  • Successful completion of a minimum of three courses held in English in a previous study programme.
  • Applicants who are nationals of one of the following countries, or have completed their higher (secondary) school degrees or bachelor's degrees there, do not have to document their language skills: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Teaching and examination language

The MSc Sport Science for Health is taught in English.

Interests and skills

The Master's Programme in Sport Science for Health is designed for bachelor graduates in sport science or closely related disciplines with obvious links to sport science. If you are interested in this master's programme you will be taking part in an ambitious, research-oriented programme which offers you the opportunity to find a foothold in both scientific and non-scientific areas.

Why is Konstanz the perfect place for me to study?

  • Study at the youngest German Excellence University
  • Study at a Campus University, where short ways facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • With its’ connection to partners all around the world, the department of Sport Science provides excellent networking opportunities.
  • The lake of Konstanz and the nearby alps are excellent for sports and leisure activities.
  • Study where others enjoy their holidays: Konstanz and its’ surroundings are top-rated holiday destinations. 
  • The close proximity to Switzerland, Austria and France makes it easy to see other interesting places.


Application and application documents

Application documents

  • Curriculum vitae in English or German
  • Officially certified copy of your original bachelor's degree certificate, with an official translation into German or English, documentation of the completed academic degree (minimum grade "good" or equivalent).
  • Officially certified copy of your academic transcript for each year/semester of study, showing subjects taken and grades obtained, with an official translation into German or English, if applicable. Students in the final year of study: an officially certified copy of your academic transcript to date, showing subjects taken and grades obtained, with an official translation into German or English, if applicable.
  • Documentation of English language skills (original or certified copy).
  • Description of the applicant's educational/career background on one to two pages (in English) with regard to the intended career goal.
  • Documentation of the title and grade of the first degree thesis. If a thesis was not required for your degree, please provide evidence of the title and grade of another substantial piece of written work completed during your studies (through an official document, e.g. an academic transcript or a letter confirming the title and grade.) Please submit officially certified copies of originals and officially certified translations into English or German.
  • Applicants from China, India and Vietnam: APS certificate (original) issued by the German Embassy of your home country.
  • Documentation of scientific and professional achievements that are relevant for the subject sport science (training, work experience, activities in physical education, research activities and research stays at other institutions (certified copy)).
  • Optional: Documentation of achievements in sport (participation in competitions, national teams, A-teams).

An application is possible during the following period: 15.03. - 15.04. (15.04. visa / approx. 01.05.-15.06. no visa )
There may be other deadlines if you are applying for admission to a higher semester (for instance, if you are changing subjects or universities). For more information please consult the university website .


Contact person

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) can help you with general questions about finding the right study programme as well as when you are concerned or unsure about your studies. We will be happy to advise you and support you with a wide range of services .

Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
Room: D 409 – 412a
Make an appointment:

Questions related to the content or organization of the study programme:
Departmental student advisory service
Dr. Julia Everke
Room: F 633
Phone: +49 7531 88-3564

Studying at the University of Excellence Konstanz

With your university entrance qualification in your pocket, the sky is the limit. Get a top education at the University of Konstanz, benefit from outstanding teaching and interdisciplinary exchange on our international campus. Situated on a hilltop overlooking Konstanz with a great view of Lake Constance and the Alps, our nationally and internationally renowned research university has been recognized as a University of Excellence since 2007.

Top ratings in the CHE University Ranking regularly confirm the quality of our study programmes. Take your pick from more than 100 programmes! Our courses are close to research and will perfectly equip you for the future, especially in combination with practice-oriented, socially relevant transfer projects, opportunities for going abroad and qualification programmes that you can complete alongside your studies.

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