Doctoral studies

The objective of doctoral studies is to establish the doctoral candidate's ability to carry out independent scientific work. In addition to the traditional doctorate, which closes with a final oral examination, the University of Konstanz also offers various doctoral study programmes. These include various coursework and academic performance assessments that are a (required) part of your doctoral studies. In accordance with the subject-specific doctoral regulations, the University of Konstanz awards the following academic titles:

  • Doctor of Natural Sciences: Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr.rer.nat.)
  • Doctor of Social Science Doctor rerum socialium (Dr.rer.soc.)
  • Doctor of Economics or Doctor of Politics and Public Administration: Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr.rer.pol.)
  • Doctor of Law: Doctor juris (Dr.jur.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Doctor philosophiae (Dr.phil.)
  • Doctor of Engineering Sciences (
  • or a “Doctor of Philosophy” (Ph.D.)

The University of Konstanz can award any of these degrees as an honorary degree (honoris causa; h.c.).

Doctoral Regulations or study and examination regulations for doctoral study programmes

You can access the doctoral examination regulations with Adobe Acrobat Reader and download them in PDF format.

Doctoral Regulations of the University of Konstanz G1.0
(as of 22 June 2015, corrected on 7 July 2015, amended on 26 February 2018, 24 July 2018, 20 January 2020, 25 September 2020 and 8 December 2021)

Doctoral Regulations of the University of Konstanz G1.0
(effective 22 June 2015, with amendments from 7 July 2015, 26 February 2018, 24 July 2018 and 20 January 2020)

General Doctoral Regulations of the University of Konstanz (English version)
(as of 22 June 2015 with amendments from 24 July 2018, 20 January 2020 and 25 September 2020)

General Doctoral Regulations of the University of Konstanz (English version)
(as of 22 June 2015 with amendments from 24 July 2018 and 20 January 2020)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Promotionsstudiengänge der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Sektion G2.0
(in der Fassung vom 10. September 2008 einschließlich aller Änderungen bis zum 18. Dezember 2020)

Study and examination regulations (here: general provisions) for the doctoral study programmes of the Faculty of Humanities G2.0 (English version)
(as of 10 September 2008 with amendments from 02 April 2009, 07 August 2013 and 18 December 2020) 

Study and examination regulations for the Doctoral Study Programme in Politics and Public Administration G3.0
(effective 18 March 2014; this version applies to doctoral candidates accepted on or after 1 March 2014. Doctoral students accepted before 1 March 2014 continue their studies under the doctoral regulations valid when they enrolled).

Study and examination regulations for the Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance G4.0
(effective 11 August 2005)


Study and examination regulations for the Doctoral Study Programme in Clinical Psychology, Neuro-Psychology and Psychotherapy G5.0
(effective 2 October 2013)

Study and examination regulations for the doctoral study programme offered by the Graduate School of Decision Sciences G6.0
(effective 22 September 2014)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den Promotionsstudiengang im Rahmen der Graduiertenschule der Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften („Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (GSBS))“ G7.0
(in der Fassung vom 11. März 2021)

Please note:

Please note that only the most current versions of the Doctoral Regulations and study and examination regulations for doctoral study programmes are available, including the latest amendments. Former versions of our examination regulations can be found in the archive. If you have specific questions about your doctoral studies, please consult the relevant departments or the university’s Central Examination Office.