Well informed – ready to study

We at the University of Konstanz will support you as best we can to find the study programme that really suits you. Let us help you get your orientation and choose from a wide range of services, both online and on campus. Come and discover our study programmes, life on campus and potential career perspectives. Of course, you can also visit us on site and get to know the University of Konstanz - just come on one of our campus tours. We look forward to meeting you!

Our advisory services for you

Individual consultation

We will reserve 50 minutes just for your individual questions related to your studies. Together we will try to find the best possible solution for your further path. Make an appointment by e-mail to termin.zsb@uni-konstanz.de.

You can make several appointments, if you wish, and also bring along persons of trust, such as your parents.

Video “Individual consultation” (in German)

Walk-in availability

Are you in Konstanz, have a short question and would like to drop by? Twice per week we provide walk-in availability for your quick questions and matters you would like to discuss briefly. You do not need to make an appointment. Simply come by either on Monday between 11:00 - 12:30 (not in March, August and September), room D 412, or on Friday online.

Video “Walk-in availability” (in German)

Workshops for study orientation

Not yet sure what you would like to study and asking yourself how you can decide? Then our two-day BEST seminars are just the thing for you! Here you can find out which subjects and careers would really suit you.

BEST workshops

Departmental student advisory service

Do you know exactly what you want to study and have specific questions about your programme? Then meet our departmental advisory service! Our departmental student advisors can help you with questions about a programme's study structure, how to plan a semester and in general with all questions related to your study area.

Departmental student advisory service
Get a taste of university life? Try our on-campus services.

Browse our numerous programmes and events to help you prepare for your individual decision.


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