Almost every department relies on tutors to support students with their study goals. Our dedicated training programme will prepare you for your tasks as a tutor, support you while you are teaching and facilitate exchange with other tutors.
You have come to the right place, if:
- You are a student tutor in a practice group or tutorial, or you supervise a lab course in the natural sciences.
- You are a first-time tutor.
- You have experience teaching as a tutor but want to improve the quality of your tutorials.
- You wish to expand your teaching competencies and to swap ideas with other tutors.
- Learn how to manage your tutorial well.
- Learn how to effectively prepare and conduct your tutorial.
- Take advantage of new ideas to keep your students tuned in.
- Keep your students motivated.
This is how we reward your participation:
- 3 ECTS credits in the area of transferable skills or the Personal Competencies Module (MPK)
- Tutor certificate documenting your commitment and serving as a valuable asset for starting your career
An overview of the training programme:
Training focuses:
- Gaining know-how and exchanging experiences: You will engage interactively with the basics of teaching-learning processes, learn about your role as a tutor, acquire didactic skills and moderation techniques and receive a number of practical tips.
- Ensuring that theory and practice mesh: The theoretical portions of your training will be demonstrated and consolidated through hands-on exercises. In your training, we also include and address questions raised by your experiences in the classroom. This is how our tutor training prepares you for leading a tutorial while closely supporting you all the way.
- Expanding your transferable skills: Being able to reflect on your own learning process and acquiring advanced skills in areas like group processes, communication and self-presentation can prove incredibly useful to you in your studies and in your future professional life.
- Introductory workshop: Attending our introductory workshop at the beginning of the semester will prepare you optimally for a successful start to your tutorial.
- Supporting events throughout the semester: You will be provided with suggestions and ideas on how best to organise your tutorials in several sessions held during the semester. These sessions also provide ample opportunity for discussing your questions and challenges with your peers.
- Mutual peer observations: Mutual peer observations focus on encouraging exchange and discussion among tutors. You will receive comprehensive feedback on your teaching and, in turn, have the opportunity to let a qualified tutor inspire you.
- Teaching-learning portfolio: The teaching-learning portfolio is your chance to reflect on your personal development as a teacher.
Several cross-departmental and department-specific training programmes take place every semester. For the precise dates, please consult the online course catalogue in ZEuS.
Why are there both department-specific as well as cross-departmental training opportunities?
All our training programmes follow a single concept that we use across the university. The learning objectives are the same whether you take part in our cross-departmental training or in the department-specific training programmes. The difference is in the details.
Some departments place particular emphasis on preparing their tutors as well as possible for their teaching tasks, which is why they offer their own training programmes. Department-specific tutor training programmes address the overall conditions and expectations for teaching in a specific department.
Our cross-departmental training is provided centrally by our university didactics unit and aimed primarily at tutors from departments that do not offer their own tutor training. Here, too, we aim to take into account the specific requirements of the participants. And besides, looking over the rim of the departmental tea cup might also open up a number of new perspectives for you.
How much time will I need to invest? Will I be able to manage the additional responsibilities?
Our tutor training programme consists of twenty-four hours’ worth of face-to-face classroom sessions, which include the opening workshop at the beginning of the semester as well as a several events held during the semester. These are reinforced by the mutual peer observations and the individual report on your development as a teacher that you will need to compile (teaching-learning portfolio). During training, we will address the specific expectations for teaching a tutorial so as to help you prepare as efficiently as possible. Past participants describe the training programme as a great help and an asset rather than a strain.
How does the tutor training programme count towards my degree?
If you take part in the tutor training programme, you will be awarded 3 ECTS credits, either in the area of transferable skills (SQ) or in the performance skills part of the Personal Competencies Module (MPK) for teacher education students (Lehramt, GymPO 2009). The same applies to bachelor and master students of education.
You are most welcome to take part in the tutor training programme, even if you are not eligible for or do not need extra ECTS credits. In that case, you will find a record of your participation under the “Other qualifications” header in the electronic student information system StudIS.
All participants will receive a certificate documenting their achievements. You might, for instance, include this certificate with your application documents.
Can I spread my training over several semesters?
The programme is meant to last just one semester and generally involves a fixed group of participants. Exceptions can be made in special circumstances. Please consult with the relevant contact person in your department or with Ms Moosbuchner, if you have questions about the cross-departmental training programme.
Do I have to be teaching in the current semester in order to be able to take part in the training?
Our training programme is designed for individuals who are currently leading a tutorial, a practice group or a lab course in the natural sciences. This is how we make sure that you are ready for your current teaching responsibilities. The same goes for mutual peer observations: successful participation depends upon you teaching in the current semester.
Exceptions can be made in special circumstances. Please consult with the relevant contact person in your department or with Ms Moosbuchner, if you have questions about the cross-departmental training programme.
What happens if I miss a training session?
In order to make the most of the training programme you should attend all training sessions. You will only be awarded your ECTS credits and your certificate if you take part on a regular basis.
Please inform your training instructor if you need to miss a session. In some cases it may be possible for you to attend the relevant session in another training programme. This is possible because all training programmes - both the department-specific and the cross-departmental ones - have the same objectives and teach similar content.
I am a doctoral researcher. Can I participate in the tutor training programme?
Our tutor training programme has been designed specifically for student tutors. Doctoral researchers are welcome to attend the “Fit für die Lehre” (fit for teaching) basic module offered by our university didactics unit as well as various follow-up workshops that will earn you the Baden-Württemberg certificate of university didactics. If you have any questions about this, please contact Melanie Moosbuchner.
Does the tutor training programme count towards the Baden-Württemberg certificate of university didactics?
In special circumstances, attending our tutor training programme counts towards the Baden-Württemberg certificate of university didactics. Please contact Melanie Moosbuchner for further information.
I am a tutor not currently participating in any formal training, but have methodological and didactic questions about my teaching or would like to discuss problems I have encountered in class. Can QualiTut help me out?
Absolutely. Please consult with the relevant contact person in your department or with Ms Moosbuchner.