Das Team von QualiTut besteht aus einer Mitarbeiterin der Hochschuldidaktik sowie Mitarbeiterinnen in einzelnen Fachbereichen. Durch diese enge Anbindung zur zentralen Verwaltung einerseits sowie zu den Fachbereichen andererseits wird QualiTut seinen komplexen Aufgaben gerecht.  

Tenure-Track-Dozent Dr. Barbara Pampel

Department of Computer and Information Science


Phone: +49 7531  88-3466

Room: PZ 1005

Website Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Mondays 10:00-11:00 Uhr and by appointment


First state examination in mathematics and sports science, doctorate in computer science; has lectured in the Department of Computer and Information Science since 2012.

Dr. Anna Vollert

Department of Politics and Public Administration


Phone: +49 7531  88-3501

Room: D 324

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Tuesday 9:00-11:00
Wednesday 9:00-11:00
Thursday 9:00-11:00


Doctorate in politics, MA in international economics, has been a coordinator for educational development and tutor training since 2014

"Our tutor training programme offers a variety of tips for managing your tutorial, as well as the opportunity to test them and to swap ideas with other tutors".