The University Council confers its award once a year at the University of Konstanz. The funding comes from members of the University Council forgoing payment for working on the council. The award honours exceptional efforts of university members in the categories of research and education as well as continuing development.


Energy Saving Team at the University of Konstanz

Ukraine-Support-Team, University of Konstanz

SARS-CoV-2 screening team at the University of Konstanz

Video zum Preis

Studentische Initiative „Can you get my stuff?“

Gewählte studentische VertreterInnen in den universitären Gremien

University of Konstanz

LAW & LAKE, Studentische Rechtsberatung

Refugee Law Clinic, Rechtsberatung für Geflüchtete

 Green Office 

Learn more

Studentische Initiative CorrelAid e. V.