Organization and mission

The foundation

The Dr. August und Annelies Karst foundation was established in 2014 by the Konstanz couple Dr August and Annelies Karst. Upon application, the Dr. August und Annelies Karst Stiftung awards funding to researchers in the humanities at the University of Konstanz.

In particular, the foundation provides support for academic conferences, research projects and tasks, work on an edition, exhibitions, material resources and publication projects.

Managing board

Professor Dorothea Debus, Philosophy

Dr Tobias Engelsing, director of the city of Konstanz's museums

Professor Bent Gebert, Literature Art and Media Studies

Professor Anne Kwaschik, History and Sociology (chairperson)


How can I give?

Bank details of the Dr. August und Annelies Karst Stiftung
Sparkasse Bodensee
IBAN: DE96 6905 0001 0026 0980 95

Join us in supporting science and research projects in the humanities!

If you include your address in the payment reference we will gladly send you a charitable donations certificate. Many thanks!