The Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics is, besides the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities, one of the three basic units at the University of Konstanz. It consists of the three departments of Politics and Administration, Law and Economics, in which about 60 professors, including many junior professors, and around 160 academic staff members are engaged in teaching and research.
Each faculty is represented by a dean, who has a term of office of 4 years. The Deans of the Faculty include one dean of studies and three vice-deans, one of whom is the deputy dean. The director of faculty administration is responsible for the faculty management.
The Deans of the Faculty lead the faculty and are responsible for all matters, unless otherwise regulated by the state university law or the constitution of the University of Konstanz. Matters of fundamental importance are discussed in the Faculty Council. These include the structure and development plans of the faculty, which are prepared by the departments, as well as the proposals of the appointments committee, which also require the approval of the Faculty Council.
Meetings of the Deans of the Faculty and the Faculty Council take place regularly during the lecture periods in the winter and summer semesters.