The Faculty of Sciences is one of the three faculties of the University of Konstanz, together with the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics. With around 100 professors and 700 academic employees, it is the largest section.

The faculty coordinates its constituent departments’  tasks in the areas of studies, teaching and research.  The Faculty of Sciences consists of six departments: Mathematics and Statistics, Computer and Information Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology.

Each faculty is represented by a Dean, who is elected for a period of four years. The Dean's Office comprises a Dean of Studies and three Vice-deans, one of whom functions as deputy of the Dean. The faculty is managed by the Director of Faculty Administration.

The Dean's Office is responsible for all subject matters within the faculty that are not specifically assigned to other bodies by the State Law on Higher Education (Landeshochschulgesetz)  or the University of Konstanz's Constitution.  The main functions of the Dean's Office are the compilation of a Structure and Development Plan for the faculty, the distribution of financial resources to the departments, the establishment of teaching responsibilities and teaching evaluation within the departments, and giving recommendations on professoral denominations.  Furthermore the Dean's Office is responsible for the supervision of research, teaching and technology transfer facilities within the faculty.

The Faculty Council discusses matters of general policy. These may include the faculty's Structure and Development Plans, which are first prepared by the departments, and the creation, change or dissolving of institutions within the faculty. The Faculty Council also appoints the departments' Study Commissions and approves the respective study and examination regulations. All decisions made by appointments committees must also be approved by the Faculty Council. 

The Dean's Office and the Faculty Council meetings take place during the lecture periods in winter and summer semester.

The administration office of the faculty is situated in building R
rooms R 601-604 | Office +49 (0) 7531 88-3746