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Britta Renner attends 2024 Digital Summit

Konstanz health psychologist Britta Renner co-chairs the platform on food and agriculture at the German government's Digital Summit.

This year's Digital Summit hosted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action will bring together more than 1500 participants from the fields of business, research, civil society and politics on 21 and 22 October in Frankfurt am Main. At the event entitled "Digital Germany – Innovative. Sovereign. International", participants present and discuss current digital topics and solutions on eight different platforms.

Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, chairs Platform 8 which focuses on digital tools and innovations in the area of food and agriculture. Health psychologist Britta Renner from the University of Konstanz is its co-chair. "At the summit, I look forward to hearing about innovative approaches that could contribute to greater sustainability, health and conservation of resources in the area of food and agriculture. In this context, I am especially interested in how digital tools can potentially support large-scale catering services", says Britta Renner.