Copyright: Thomas Endler.

Fellowship at the IAS

The Konstanz mathematician Mateusz Michalek was awarded a fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for the 2024–25 academic year.

Mateusz Michalek is professor for real algebraic geometry at the University of Konstanz. His research focuses on algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry (in particular homogeneous varieties), intersection theory, polytopes, toric varieties, secants, phylogenetics, and tensors. The prestigious membership allows for focused research and the free and open exchange of ideas among an international community of scholars. He plans to use his stay to work on a theory that joins matroids (in combinatorics), linear concentration models (in statistics) and intersection theory (algebraic geometry).

About the IAS fellowship
Each year, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) welcomes more than 250 outstanding researchers from around the world to advance fundamental research in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment. Visiting scholars are selected through a highly competitive process based on their pioneering ideas, innovative methods and deep research questions by IAS staff.

Located in Princeton, NJ (USA), the Institute for Advanced Study is an independent research centre that was established in 1930. The IAS was the world’s first Institute for Advanced Study and became a model for many new-founded research institutes around the world.