Democracy today

[Only available in German] Continuation of the "Grenzgänger Wissenschaft" series of lectures on the general theme of "democracy"

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Reopening of the university sports hall delayed

[Only available in German]

Update on 2 November 2017

Testing in the university sports hall on 17 October 2017 revealed no indication of additional damage due to the previous water leakage that had been repaired along with the building’s floor. Such damage would have manifested itself, for example, in a microbial-organic contamination of the sports hall’s air. The university sports hall is now free to be used until the planned renovation of the entire floor in the spring of 2018.

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ICARUS: Start delayed

[Only available in German] The flight of the ICARUS space module to the International Space Station ISS has been postponed to Saturday, 14 October 2017

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Italo-German exchange

[Only available in German] Ladislao Mittner Prize awarded to Professor Elena Polledri for her outstanding research on the topic of German literature

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Ariel view of the University Konstanz

Headed for excellence

Three of the University of Konstanz’s cluster initiatives enter the next round of the German Excellence Strategy competition

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Prof. Dr. Jörg S. Hartig  and team

With clear criteria to a professorship

“Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses” (federal and state programme for the promotion of junior researchers) funds the expansion of tenure-track professorships at the University of Konstanz

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