A woman in a light beige coat wears VR glasses

Press release from the pen of an AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the modern working world. But how widespread is AI actually in German companies, and how do employees view this development? Are they rather worried or optimistic? These questions are examined in a new policy paper from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz. Inspired by the topic of the paper, this press release was written with the help of AI.

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A hall in which a large round screen is set up on which 15 video installations are shown.

Exhibition: More than human worlds of perception

How do animals perceive the world? The exhibition by media artists Kristin Jakubek and Leon Brandt questions our human-centric view of the world and will be on display in the Bürgersaal Konstanz from 6-8 September 2024. Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour at the University of Konstanz supported the creation of the artwork with scientific research findings and will engage in a public exchange with the artists in a panel discussion on 6 September 2024 at 6 pm.

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A molecular control hub maintains order

How are proteins in our cells modified while they are still being synthesized? An international team of researchers from the University of Konstanz, Caltech, and ETH Zurich has deciphered the molecular mechanism of this vital process.

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The South American lungfish has an eel-like, brownish-coloured body and a snake-like, yellow-spotted head.

Decoding the world’s largest animal genome

Thirty times the size of the human genome: An international team of researchers led by Konstanz evolutionary biologist Axel Meyer and Würzburg biochemist Manfred Schartl has sequenced the largest genome of all animals, the lungfish genome. Their data help to explain how the fish ancestors of today’s land vertebrates were able to conquer land.

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The students sit on red chairs in a semicircle around the survivor Mario Marsili in an Italian garden.

Survive, tell, remember: Exhibition about the massacre of Sant'Anna

80 years after an SS massacre in the Italian town of Sant'Anna di Stazzema, the student project "ÜberLeben erzählen" focuses on the stories of survivors. On site and in class, students from the University of Konstanz developed an exhibition that was shown in Sant'Anna di Stazzema from 11 to 25 August 2024. The project was supported by forum.konstanz at the University of Konstanz.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Simon Diesch und seine Segelpartnerin Anna Markfort auf ihrem Segelboot im Meer vor Marseille, Frankreich

Countdown to the Olympics: Law student Simon Diesch sails for Germany

In May 2024, Simon Diesch and his sailing partner Anna Markfort qualified in the 470 mixed for the Olympic Games. In addition to his career as a competitive athlete, he studies law at the University of Konstanz. Juggling studies and top-level sports is a challenge in and of itself. We interviewed him on campus shortly before the competitions. A conversation about the Olympic dream, the balancing act between sailing and studying, and his plans for the future.

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Which chemicals disrupt child development?

Information about whether industrial chemicals impede brain development is only available for a very small number of chemicals. A new procedure aims to fix this problem without using animal testing. At a conference organized by CAAT-Europe at the University of Konstanz, researchers as well as representatives from industry and regulatory authorities met with a delegation of the OECD to initiate new legislation.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Gruppenfoto der TeilnehmerInnen vor großem Baum

Making a difference in the world together

If you want to find innovative solutions to complex problems and quickly transfer them from academic research to practical applications, it is important to involve relevant stakeholders early on. The Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing in Europe (CAAT-Europe) at the University of Konstanz uses this approach in the field of chemical safety testing.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Rückansicht von Demonstrierenden. Eine Frau hält ein Plakat hoch in dem eine gesunde und eine kranke Erddarstellung zu sehen sind, mit dem Text "you decide"

Of science and conscience

In public statements by researchers, it is sometimes difficult to separate private persons from their official roles. Political scientist Gabriele Spilker shares how this can work.

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