Research team in the Departments of Chemistry at the University of Konstanz and the University of Vienna developed a method to find potential agents against the replication of the coronavirus in human cells
The Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research provides funding amounting to 3.1 million Swiss francs for the associated institute of the University of Konstanz as a “research institution of national importance”
The genome of the Australian lungfish is the largest sequenced animal genome and helps us to better understand the conquest of land by vertebrates – study led by evolutionary biologists from the University of Konstanz
Discovery of liquid glass sheds light on the old scientific problem of the glass transition: An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Konstanz has uncovered a new state of matter, liquid glass, with previously unknown structural elements – new insights into the nature of glass and its transitions.
Health psychologist at the University of Konstanz is co-publisher of a special edition of the European Journal of Ageing with a focus on psychological views on aging – an important benchmark for development and health
A study by the University of Konstanz shows that voluntary motivation to comply with anti-Covid-19 policies is relatively high in Germany, but can be undermined by enforcement - The consequence of this finding differs depending on the policy
Würdigung für herausragende Verdienste und innovative Leistungen in der Lehre: Der mit 5.000 Euro dotierte Tina-Ulmer-Lehrpreis 2020 der Manfred Ulmer-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft geht an Prof. Dr. Sabine Storandt, Professorin für Algorithmik an der Universität Konstanz.