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Increase in perceived inequa­lity in work life

The interim results of an international survey on work life during the coronavirus pandemic with participation of the University of Konstanzʼs Experimental Psychology and Internet Science (iScience) research group suggest an increase in perceived inequality.

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Gesammeltes Wissen zu CO­VID-19

Internationale Aktion mit Beteiligung der Universität Konstanz erstellt Archiv aller derzeit bekannten Erkenntnisse über die Interaktion des Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2 mit seinem Wirt

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"To remember the past is to work on the future"

8 May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. In an interview, Aleida Assmann, Konstanz professor for cultural studies, explains how the way this day was perceived shaped the culture of remembrance in post-war Germany. You can read the full interview on campus.kn, the online magazine of the University of Konstanz.

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Real-time observation of enzymatic processes on DNA

DNA strand breaks can contribute to the development of cancer and the ageing process. Researchers from the Departments of Biology and Chemistry of the University of Konstanz have now been able to observe in real time the molecular processes that take place at DNA strand breaks by means of infrared spectroscopy.

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“There’s no such thing as ‘one Africa’”

On 28 April 2020, the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration published its latest report, which focuses on migration from Africa. In an interview, Claudia Diehl and Daniel Thym, the Konstanz members of the Expert Council, comment on specific aspects of the report. You can read the full interview on campus.kn, the online magazine of the University of Konstanz.

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