Mobile young talent

Inequality research priority – The University of Konstanz has successfully competed for Mobility Awards of the Young European Research Universities Network for the European exchange of early-career researchers.

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David Schleheck, Anna Burrichter and Karin Denger. This picture does not show the collaboration partners from Harvard University Emily Balskus, Spencer Peck and Stephania Irwin. Photo: University of Konstanz

Enzyme discovered

At the University of Konstanz, in cooperation with Harvard University, a key enzyme for formation of harmful hydrogen sulphide in the human gut by Bilophila bacteria has been discovered.

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Mit seinen Klavierstücken Aeham Ahmad möchte er die Musik aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen vereinen und damit die Menschen zusammenbringen.

Musik gegen Hunger

Universität Konstanz veranstaltet am Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2019, im Konzil in Konstanz eine musikalische Lesung mit Aeham Ahmad

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