Hybridisation boosts evolution

International collaboration involving researchers from the University of Konstanz sheds new light on animal speciation and publishes findings in the scientific journal Nature Communications

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Lower level of building H (H1) is closed as a precaution

On Thursday, 2 August 2018, tests were carried out to measure contamination levels, especially in regard to asbestos, in rooms H 115 and H 116 in H building. Additionally a total of 39 contact samples were taken over extensive areas on level H1 on Thursday, 9 August 2018.

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Campus der Universität Konstanz

Wie nachhaltig ist unsere Universität?

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht des Green Office der Universität Konstanz für 2016/2017 stellt Fortschritte fest – Schwerpunkte des Berichts liegen auf dem Energiewesen, dem Abfallmanagement und zum ersten Mal auch auf der vom Studierendenwerk Seezeit betriebenen Mensa

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Changes in the proportion of NSDAP voters in counties and county boroughs from the German parliamentary (Reichstag) elections in September 1930 to those in July 1932. Red dots mark Hitler's appearances between the two election dates. Copyright: Simon Munz

Hitler: election campaigner with limited influence?

Political scientists in Konstanz and Berlin qualify the perception of Hitler as one of the most influential speakers in history through their extensive analysis of Adolf Hitler’s election campaign appearances and election results between 1927 and 1933

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Opening of the VCC

On 24 July 2018, the foundation stone was laid for the “Center for Visual Computing of Collectives” (VCC), a new top-level research centre at the University of Konstanz for the study of swarming and collective behaviour. The joint exploration of collective behaviour by biologists and computer scientists is one example of the interdisciplinary approach adopted by the University of Konstanz.

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HPRC building plan

Human Performance Research Centre opened

On 17 July 2018, a new sports, performance and health diagnostics centre opened at the University of Konstanz. The Human Performance Research Centre (HPRC) will be used for large-scale health studies and is open to all potential study participants. Future partnerships with sports clubs and associations as well as with hospitals are planned.

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