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Unlocking the secrets of multispecies hunting

Scientists have made extraordinary discoveries about how otherwise-solitary octopuses and various fish species coordinate their hunts: fish serve as guides, finding prey and flagging its location, and the octopus uses its flexible arms to capture the hidden prey.

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Go backstage with researchers

Science Backstage – a series of articles focusing on behind-the-scenes aspects of research. For a moment, we leave behind the glitzy moments in the spotlight and peek into the more private moments of everyday science work when researchers try out, and may even discard, some ideas. This is where doubts, tireless perseverance and enlightenment are all very real options.

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Five pigeons are sitting on a green pole, presumably a railing. One pigeon is landing.

Focus first, then flee

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence "Collective Behaviour" at the University of Konstanz have discovered when pigeons sharply recognize a predator and at what moment they take flight.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Ein Raum im GameLab der Universität Konstanz, der mit zehn von der Decke hängenden Kameras ausgestattet ist. Die Fenster sind verdunkelt. Eine Seitenwand ist durch schwere, schwarze Vorhänge verdeckt.

Taking on new perspectives

What possibilities does a new research setup offer? This is often not foreseeable in advance and the full range of applications only becomes apparent while the system is being used. A new 3D recording studio has just been created in the GameLab at the University of Konstanz. Here, social interactions between people can be analyzed – from any perspective and even in virtual reality.

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Fellowship at the IAS

The Konstanz mathematician Mateusz Michalek was awarded a fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for the 2024–25 academic year.

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One person is wearing a beekeeper's helmet. Two people are sitting and waiting for him and the bees he carries.

Waggle dance mysteries

How do bees navigate when the directions in the waggle dances by other bees are fuzzy? Dive into the intriguing research on bee behaviour, which occurs on the campus at the University Konstanz, to find out this research question.

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