CRC 969 successful again

As the German Research Foundation (DFG) announced on Monday, 25 November 2019, Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 969 “Chemical and Biological Principles of Cellular Proteostasis”, which has been funded at the University of Konstanz since 2012, has been approved for its third funding period, which will last until the end of 2023.

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VeranstaltungsbesucherInnen im Audimax

Eine Lesung für Senta Trömel-Plötz

Die Sprachwissenschaftlerin begründete in ihrer Zeit an der Universität Konstanz die feministische Linguistik in Deutschland – Vorstellung ihres neuen Buches anlässlich ihres 80. Geburtstags

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30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, the project “Generation 1975 – being 14 in the new Germany” examines whether, using Willy Brandt’s words, what belongs together has really grown together. The project initiator from the University of Konstanz considers the results so far. Image: Eukalyptus via Pixabay

Hurt in the east – distance in the west

Research material of the interview project “Generation 1975 – being 14 in the new Germany” is being evaluated: 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, the project initiator from the University of Konstanz considers the results so far.

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Eine Szene aus dem Stück „Stille“ der Hochschulgruppe „Theaterlabor – HSG für forschendes Theater“ der Universität Konstanz. Bild: Johannes Schlaich

Am Ende der Worte

Ein studentisches Produktionsteam entwickelt an der Universität Konstanz ein Theaterstück zum Thema „Stille“

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Alexander von Humboldt Professor Anke Hoeffler, Professor of Development Research at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz. Image: Christine Pietron/University of Konstanz

Why does violence persist and what are its consequences?

In her inaugural lecture, Alexander von Humboldt Professor Anke Hoeffler from the University of Konstanz’s Department of Politics and Public Administration will discuss various forms of interpersonal and political violence and their implications for the development of societies

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