Left: How the ribozyme-based genetic switch works. A self-cleaving tetracycline-dependent ribozyme results in mRNA decay and down-regulation of gene expression. Adding tetracycline inhibits ribozyme activity, which stabilises the mRNA and induces gene expression. Right: Application of the genetic switch in the animal research model C. elegans. Tetracycline-induced expression of the fluorescence (mCherry)-tagged Huntingtin protein (Htt) with an abnormally long polyglutamine sequence that causes Huntington’s disease in humans. Htt aggregates, which are typical of Huntington’s disease, can be observed to form in the animal model. Copyright: L. A. Wurmthaler, M. Gamerdinger, J. S. Hartig

First genetic switch for C. elegans developed

Researchers from the Departments of Biology and Chemistry at the University of Konstanz close a research gap in the field of genetic switches – Development of the first inducible system for C. elegans to switch on genes – Potential medical research applications – Publication in the online journal Nature Communications

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Luftaufnahme von der Universität Konstanz und der Insel Mainau. Copyright: Universität Konstanz

Konferenz zur digitalen Erinnerungskultur

Gemeinsam mit der KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau präsentiert die Universität Konstanz am 25. und 26. Januar 2019 auf der Insel Mainau die Konferenz „Entgrenzte Erinnerung“ zu neuen medialen Formen von Erinnerung und Zeugenschaft

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Arial of the University of Konstanz

New Junior Professorship of Artificial Intelligence

University of Konstanz secures Junior Professorship of Artificial Intelligence in the framework of the competition “Künstliche Intelligenz Baden-Württemberg (KI-BW)” – funding for a W1-position for six years and additional funds totalling 600,000 euros from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

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Aerial view of the University of Konstanz

“Exceptional ranking”

DFG Funding Atlas 2018: 1st place nationally for the University of Konstanz as a whole, as well as for the humanities and social sciences and the life sciences in per-capita external funding of all academic staff (including professors); 2nd place nationally for the university in per-capita external funding of professors.

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Big Data und Compliance

Zwei weitere EXIST-Gründerstipendien an der Universität Konstanz für Projekte in den Bereichen Big Data-Verarbeitung von Fernerkundungsdaten sowie Compliance-Softwarelösung für Bankhäuser.

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Anna Burrichter und Dr. David Schleheck. Photo: Universität Konstanz

From a plant sugar to toxic hydrogen sulfide

In a doctoral research project conducted at the Department of Biology, the degradation of the dietary sugar sulfoquinovose by anaerobic bacteria to toxic hydrogen sulfide was described for the first time – increased production of hydrogen sulfide in the human intestinal system has been associated with inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.

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