New rector

The University of Konstanz has a new rector: The Senate and University Council have elected Professor Kerstin Krieglstein, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg, on 3 July 2018 to become the successor of Professor Ulrich Rüdiger.

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Die Dr. K. H. Eberle Stiftung in der Stiftervitrine der Universität Konstanz

Re-thinking Europe

New University of Konstanz research centre “Kulturen Europas in einer multipolaren Weltordnung” to be established with funds from the Dr Karl Helmut Eberle Foundation – Funding of 500,000 euros

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(from the left) Andreas Härer, Dr. Julián Torres-Dowdall, Professor Axel Meyer und Dr. Melisa Olave. Photo: Ricardo Rayo

Data against dogma

Biologist from Konstanz, Professor Axel Meyer, receives the Luigi-Tartufari International Prize from the Italian National Academy

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In a comprehensive and pioneering study led by Professor Thomas Elbert, Dr Anke Köbach (middle) and Dr Martina Ruf-Leuschner investigated the effects of female genital mutilation on the body and mind of the affected women. Credit: University of Konstanz

Grave consequences

Female genital mutilation (FGM) increases the risk of developing mental illness and changes the body’s reactions to stress

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Taking on responsibility for the world of tomorrow

During the University of Konstanz’s project week on sustainability, “Utopien – Unsere Universität 2025”, participants discuss the relationship between research culture, travel by airplane and the use of natural resources [Only available in German]

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